Bullying and Bias

Bullying and Bias

Note to the Writer:  Please see the Text with the chapters below.   You already have a downloaded copy of this text.  


Text: Webb, L.D & Metha, A. (2017, 8th edition). Foundations of American Education.


Chapter 5:   American Education: European Heritage and Colonial Experience


Chapter 6:   American Education: From Revolution to the Twentieth Century



Topic to write on:       Bullying and Bias

Website:                      https://www.tolerance.org/topics/bullying-bias


Current Events STC Reflection  

1.      You are asked to find a current event that discusses a problem related to education. 



2.      Relating the event to classroom text readings, you will write an informed reflection, at least 500 words in length, on both the expression of the problem in the article and the proposed solution(s).

This assignment should include the following components:

·         Summary-Discuss the main points of the article, including the proposed solution(s).

·         Square-Describe what you found in the article that was consistent with your thoughts or experiences regarding education. Make connections to class readings, videos, and discussions.

·         Triangle-Describe what you read in the article that pointed you in a new direction or shifted your thinking regarding education.

·         Circle-After reading the article, what’s still circling in your mind? What questions do you have about the issue?  What’s still puzzling you?  Write questions about things you don’t understand, things that make you think of your own learning, and especially things that you relate to your own teaching.

Each of the sections above should be in separate paragraph under the respective headings: Summary, Square, Triangle, and Circle

Be sure to include a link to the article or a copy of the article when you submit your reflection. 




Please use citation from the text with reference page when necessary.  You can also use outside resources for this assignment.


Follow the rules of the publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(APA, 6th edition) in citing references.

http://www.apastyle.org/pubmanual.html , and through amazon.com. APA style must include a cover page, page numbers, running head, subtitles, citations and reference page.

Please remember when writing about a student with disability, your writing should be in ‘People First’ language.  People First language is used in professional fields to provide meaning and value to the student/person before the disability.  Examples of People First language includes “student with Autism” as opposed to “Autistic child” or “child with a disability” as opposed to “disabled child.”  Papers that do not reflect People First language will lose points.


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