Quality Essay
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Quality essay can be defined as a piece of writing that is usually written from the author’s perspective. In colleges, quality essays are written mostly on ethical debates or on topics that are controversial. A quality essay can be written to argue out a point or it can be written to demonstrate a process. Questions on which a quality essay is to be written are usually logical or technical and therefore require to be written from the student’s point of view. Most subjects studied in colleges usually have quality as part of the requirement in exam. It is therefore important for a student to have quality essay skills. In subjects that are examined using essays it is always advisable that on top of the theoretical knowledge on the subject the student should have quality essay writing technique.
``The purpose of a quality essay is to encourage the student to develop ideas and concepts in their writing with the direction of the title’’. The purposes for writing quality essays are different however; the quality essays have the same structure. How a student writes an essay reflects his or her thinking, abilities and mindset. In writing a quality essay the writer needs to back-up his/her ideas with facts, proofs and evidence. The following guideline gives an overview of how a quality essay should be like.
Choosing of a topic
Sometimes the student is required to choose a topic from which to write a quality essay but most of the time the topic is instructed by the lecturer or the supervisor. In the case where the subject is not given then the writer should choose a topic that is interesting to write about, which makes the whole process simple and improves on the quality of the written essay. On the other hand, if the topic is given then before proceeding, the student should make sure that he or she understands the topic. The writer should also do analysis on the topic where applicable.
Organizing of ideas; in quality essay, after the writer is through with the subject then he should outline the major points that will form the basis of the essay. These points should be put down in order. However, the writer should not stick to this order when writing the real quality essay. It is significant in quality essay to decide whether you want the cut-and-dried structure of an outline or a more flowing structure’’
Composing of the thesis statement in quality essay; after the writer is through with the subject and writing of the ideas then the next point is to write the thesis statement. A thesis statement in quality essay is a statement that tells the reader what the essay is about and what points the writer will be trying to make.
Writing the introduction, this section is a very important part of the whole quality essay and should be designed to capture the attention of the reader. The writer can start writing this section with facts about the topic, a dialogue or a summary of the main ideas.
Writing the main body; In this part, the writer of quality essay use each of the points stated earlier to write a paragraph. The writer should begin a paragraph with the idea and then add the supportive points required to make the paragraph complete.
Writing the conclusion; the conclusion should be designed to bring closure of reading to the reader and it should summarize the major points in the quality essay. The writer should also give his or her final perspective on the topic. Finally, the writer should proofread the quality essay and correct any grammatical or spelling mistakes. The writer should also ensure that the essay is in line with the given instructions before submitting it.