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This article gives a detailed explanation of the grievances that obstetricians in New Mexico sate are raising about the new agreement forged by the department of human services in the state in conjunction with several care organizations and the mid wives in the states. It will see the women who deliver at home get Medicaid reimbursements while the mid wives themselves are not being required to carry responsibility. According to the article, the midwives who help women to deliver at home do not posses malpractice insurance on when that insurance is there, the cost is too high for them to afford while there is no insurance company that is willing to cover home deliveries.
New Mexico has a parity that is not normal in the number of obstetricians. According to the state statistics, there are only 55 midwives who are licensed, 144 who are certified and the number of obstetricians and gynecologists is very low compared to other state and in regard to the requirements of the population. The privatization of the Medicaid program in 1997 gave managed care organizations the responsibility to run the program and the state requires them to carry out the insurance for medical malpractice.
Dr Sharon Phelan who is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the local university does not agree with the requirement of that agreement that provides for the reimbursement of the midwifery performed at home yet they lack the malpractice insurance. This means that in case of a malpractice, the victim’s chances of pursuing legal compensation are very low, and this is the grievance that the obstetrics are fronting because they feel that double standards are being applied.
This article dwells on the plight of the medics in the high-risk areas of the medical profession like the obstetrics and the gynecologists in the light of the imminent overhaul of America health system in the health care plans being pursued by president Barrack Obama. The writer lauds the move but claims that it s long overdue because it is too late for these physicians operating in high risk specialties because most of them had already made a choice that restricts their practice while others had relocated from the US to countries where the health care system is a bit friendlier. Others had been forced to shut up their business because of the snowballing rates of malpractice and other related liability insurance.
These physicians operating in high risk specialties had responded to the skyrocketing insurance rates by ordering extensive tests of patients so as to be able to defend their medical decisions in case of a lawsuit. This is what is referred to as defensive medicine that adds little quality to the service given because of the fear factor involved. The closure of business by scared practitioners had a negative impact on the demand of the services that they were giving leading to a medical crisis.
These changes will undoubtedly include meaningful liability reform in the federal health care systems because the current legal system of medical liability is way out of control and is affecting the operation of many medics especially in the high risk specialties who are bogged down by increasing insurance costs. The fear is that the legal system applies standards that are not aimed at improving the efficiency of medics because a rogue medic and one practicing good medicine have the same level of vulnerability of losing malpractice suits due to legal complications.
3. Molnar, A. (2008), No Link Found Between Malpractice Insurance Premiums, Tort Reform, And OB/GYN Supply, Journal of Empirical Legal Studies
This article is about a research carried to check whether there is a relationship between insurance premiums reforms in tort and the supply of Ob/gyn in the US. Going by conventional wisdom in the medical community, dramatic increase in premiums of malpractice insurance increases the costs of running of these medics and they respond by running away from unfriendly states or switch to more friendly areas of medicine.
However, research carried out by the journal Empirical legal studies journal has revealed that this is just a mere generalization and most of them have not relocated or discontinued due to responsibility risk and liabilities. There are factors other than insurance premium that may force a doctor to relocate. This longitudinal research examined almost 50 states plus the District of Columbia and. The study found out that there is no significant statistical association of the supply of OB/GYNS with the tort reforms or premiums thus raising questions on the general worldview that has it that these costs are the ones that are driving these high-risk medics out of business.
Most of these high-risk practitioners who responded to the researchers said that their mobility or specialty switching is in no way related to the rising malpractice costs because they have the ability to withstand the shock effects of the dynamism in operation costs brought about by the malpractice insurance premiums whose cost is now prohibitive. Many feel that the doctors may modify their mannerisms in different and subtle ways that may influence their access to care.
4. Arbor, A. (2005).High cost of malpractice insurance threatens supply of ob/gyns, especially in some urban areas, University of Michigan Health Services.
This article focuses on the high cost of malpractice insurance to some of the medical specialties thus compromising the supply of some of the widely sought services like obstetrics, gynecology and pre natal care. The number of the aforementioned services in the US is on the decline due to the indifference that the practitioners in the medical scene accord the disciplines mainly due to the legal liabilities and the insurance cost of operating that are on the high end and as such, very prohibitive.
The problem is that there is already a health crisis in the country because the demand for the services is heavily outstripping the supply of the services especially in the states that have high premium rates of insurance malpractice. The most notorious states include Florida, the District of Columbia, Nevada, New York, and Michigan. What can help in solving this medical crisis is only a comprehensive reform and policy changes. This will help to bring down these prohibitive costs because the effects of the shortage of supply are not only punishing the doctors whose careers are threatened, but also the masses who are living in danger of health complications due to lack of medical support.
Americans risk losing very young doctors who are bright to other countries, if some of these reforms are not undertaken in a timely fashion. This is because there are many other countries that have friendlier policies making the places more lucrative for setting up of medical businesses by American health professionals.
Abramowitz A.I (2009) Will Medical Practices Survive Malpractice Insurance Rates?
Arbor, A. (2005).High cost of malpractice insurance threatens supply of ob/gyns, especially in some urban areas, University of Michigan Health Services.