Essay Topics
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In understanding essay topics, it is essential to understand the meaning of an essay as well as the different types of essays. By definition, an essay is a short piece of writing that aims at expressing the author’s point of view. An essay may contain author’s arguments, observations, criticism and reflections from his/her point of view. It therefore gives the author’s point of view other than what the audience know or think. The different types of essay include persuasive or argumentative essays, expository essays, informal, research, literary, cause and effects, and comparison and contrast essays.
Essay topics by definition are topics to be addressed in writing by an author in reference to any of the following types of essays. In choosing essay topics, the author must have in mind the kind or type of essays he/she wants to write. This gives the writer the idea and the kind of essay topics to use for his/her writing. Essay topics serve as the subject matter or main theme of the writing and form the most important and basic aspects that the writer needs to consider when writing an essay. Essay topics have several characteristics that it should meet.
The topic should not be ambiguous that is the matter to be addressed in an essay should not have more than one interpretation. The author should focus on a subject that is clear and which can be easily understood or interpreted by the reader or the audience.
Unique: The author should choose a matter that is not too popular or overused. The use of a too popular subject makes the reader or audience to have little or no attention/ interest to an essay as they are used to the topic addressed. The use of unique subject thus helps the author in catching the attention or attracting the interests of the reader/ audience.
Interesting: An interesting subject helps in attracting the author’s attention that make him/her to have a passion on the topic that consequently leads to a well written essay. The subject further acts as a motivator to the writer. Similarly, an interesting subject helps in attracting the attention of the audience or readers to the essay.
It should be in the scope of the author’s knowledge and subject: Different levels of educations have different type of essay topics. A good subject of an essay should thus put into consideration the level of the author as well as the scope of knowledge of the author. This gives the author the ability to extensively write about the subject as he/she has the required knowledge or understanding of the matter. A subject that is beyond the author scope does not motivate the author and makes him/her unable to express his/her views extensively due to little or no knowledge that affects the quality of the essay.
Easy to analyse: good essay topics should be easily analysed by the author as well as the audience. The analysis of the subject helps both the author and the audience with a platform for understanding the context of the essay. The analysis of the matter by the author helps him/her in arriving at the required arguments that would help in supporting his/her views in the essay.
It should have background information: good essay topics should have legitimate literature reviews that help the author in some researches or studies on the subject. This equips the author with more knowledge on the subject as well as giving him/her an understanding of the previous scholars’ views on the subject.