A good research paper
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A good research paper is a paper written to reflect a search that will present information to support a point of view on a particular topic or theme.”A good research paper is a continuous investigation about a particular topic. Therefore, the writer should take caution in choosing a research topic. The writer not only answers a question but he/she must also ensure the validity of the statements that he or she is making. Research is done where one has to look into other relevant materials in order to produce a good research. The manner in which the writer conducts research is what really matters; as one is able to give, support to his or her points based on the extent of research. A good research will produce a good research paper.
Coherence or connectedness of points or sentences within a paper is also a very necessary skill in view of producing a good research paper. When conducting research one may find different facts on a specific subject but only the relevant materials should be taken to create a good research paper. During research writing one should follow a sequential format: background information, support information and opposing information.
The background information of a good research paper should be brief and straight to the point for it explains the significance of the topic and provides a brief history of the same. Supporting information supports an argument and thus validates ones opinion in good research paper writing. The writer when giving support to his or her point by citation must give the old information before the new one. The support information forms the body of a research; thus, in order to obtain a good research paper the writer must verify and support the information in the literature review. Finally, there is the opposing information that is what the writer may differ with in the research findings. To make a good research paper the writer should show clearly why he or she has a different opinion from the other sources. The writer should be persuasive at this particular point.
Defining the scope also, matters in a good research paper as it determines the boundary to which the research will be undertaken. It should not be either too narrow or too wide.
The problem statement forms the heart of a good research paper for this shows what really he or she is trying to prove and validate. A good research paper should revolve well around the problem statement.
At the end of a good research paper there should always be a conclusion that gives a summary of the writer’s findings and is reflective to the problem statement. The importance of a conclusion is that it not only describes the results and discussion in detail, but it emphasizes the significance of the results in the field in relation to previous research. It is also preferable to give recommendation at the end of a good research paper.
A good research paper should also be well cited and referenced well to show the basis and origin of the research done. Referencing is done with the standards set by the institution or the instructor.