Religion Essay
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Religion Essay
The word religion is derived from the Latin word religio, which means believing in a supernatural force, especially personal God or gods. There are very many religions in the world and from generation to generation people try to search and understand the truth in every religion that has ever existed. A sense of supernatural force is a component of all religious beliefs. There is no religious sect that lacks a supernatural force that governs their lifestyle and afterlife. different people from all over the world have attempted to define the true meaning of the term religion, its effects on human kinds, its benefits and more so its shortcomings.
Religion is a diverse subject in general, but from the above essay we are going to attempt to clarify a bit about the subject. Some people say an invention explains the strange and mysterious world while others say it is a truth beyond human understanding. The term religion almost is impossible to define because there are many different views and definitions that have been formulated to suit ones inner believe. Religion entails worship of a higher being or belief. People in various religious sectors strongly believe in the rituals they perform to be in a position to connect to the higher status where they are empowered as human beings. It is an inward perception of what you believe in and how it can affect your life and after life. Today people have begun to alter their religious beliefs to one that can suit them. It is becoming difficult to distinguish which religion one belongs because people are incorporating other religions into their practices to suit their lives. This leads to formation of smaller religious groups that have broken away from a lager religious group. Religion is perceived to be the source of the highest morality to human behavior. Most religions decree a proper moral framework to serve. However, there are many variations to this subject because every religious sect believes that what they believe in is what is true and that of others is false. Religious sects have its enough justification on their belief. Even atheists have their own justification why they believe in the absence of any supernatural force behind their lives. A person’s religion is majorly influenced by his or her background. In other words how they brought up. Religion may also vary according to demographics, social economical class and ethnicity.
Science and religion have always collided because science is majorly based on observation and what we can prove while religion on the other hand is based on arguments on nature and demands faith. some of the leading world religions include Christianity which holds that do to others what you would love them do to you. Islam which holds that no one is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself, Hinduism which holds that do not do unto others which would cause you pain if done unto you. In general, most of the religions in the world advocates for love towards your fellow human beings. As earlier discussed in the essay we tend to see that religion forms the highest source of morality in the society and humans. Humans exercise their religious rights because of the fact that they have a free will to choose on which religious community to belong. The constitution of each country provides for the free will of its citizens to his or her convenient religion. This concludes that religion is an inner belief of each person in the world.