Classroom Management
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Classroom Management
Without a classroom being well managed through the application of proper set of goals and management plan, it cannot be easy to achieve most of the learning objectives. This management should be done in accordance with the appropriate goals for behaviors in the learning environment. In order to achieve these goals, there should be the enforcement of rules and necessary consequences when the learners (Marzano, 2007) have not adhered to these rules. Behavior goals should hence be monitored by having consequences and punishment on the learners. In ensuring proper class behavior, the necessary reinforcements can be done through verbal means, which facilitate the necessary communication in the learning environment. It would be necessary to have goals in the learning environment since this will not only create a good environment in the learning process but also encourage the learner to have self control in everything he or she does (Thompson, 2007). This will make the learners informed on their required responsibilities and actions, and the necessary punishments they would expect once they fail to practice what is required out of them.
Direct Instruction
Goal for classroom behavior: ensure the learner has full concentration in class.
Rule: No noises expected or sleeping in class
Consequence: the learner will apologize to the entire class for making noise or sleeping in class. Since some learners may be quite disturbing and not cooperative, the teacher may be required to take the necessary actions on the learner. Sometimes the teacher will be forced to ignore the student, or at times throw him or out of the class. Should a student develop making noise and sleeping as a habit, it is necessary to ignore the student since some may attract attention through similar behaviors. Teachers can as well check out for these habitual behaviors and try to execute a necessary hierarchy of consequences (Thompson, 2007).
Reinforcement: giving the students extra time for playing
Goal for classroom behavior: respect among all the learners
Rule: no misunderstandings or inappropriate communication in class
Consequence: Make the student to stand or kneel down in front of the others. Upon persistence, the learner will have his or her parents summoned. This would be necessary before any punishments have been imposed on the learner. If a similar offence is not addressed appropriately in the class, chances are very high that more students may start showing rude interactions in the class (Marzano, 2007). These stringent rules and punishments will be necessary to solve the issue.
Reinforcement: encourage the student to be good to all and giving them snacks. Once a student has been keenly encouraged to exhibit the required behavior, he or she will be willing to do the right thing which is acceptable to the teacher, the parents and the others students. If this is encouraged, all the students in the class would follow that example and become good boys and girls and by so doing be able to achieve their learning objectives. The students will always be willing to ensure they keep their tempers and anger in check both at home and in school.
Goal for classroom behavior: students to be able to ask for assistance and attention in the right manner
Rule: if a student has an issue he or she wants to be addressed, he will be expected to raise his or her hand.
Consequence: students will be required to write rules and names on the board so that they can be following them always. This ensures that the necessary requirements are met in the learning environment. Students who fail to do this will be supposed to kneel down, or be ignored by the teacher. This kind of consequence is effective since students will tend to reflect on rules and mentioning it to all the other students. This will ensure the students remember the rules always. Once a person has been instructed to reflect on some given rules, the learner will always be willing to avoid any similar mistakes in future.
Reinforcement: we can have provision of toys at the early stages of schooling. This will coerce them to do what is right always.
Cooperative Work
Goal for classroom behavior: students should embrace team spirit in the class.
Rule: different group members will do assignments and homework together.
Consequence: unwilling students will be forced to do extra homework on their own. This will ensure that the students will not be willing to engage in combined assignments.
Reinforcement: students will be required to remain in school for remedial time so that they can have more time to do the homework. In addition, the students will be given some more time to have fun together so that they can develop confidence in one another. This kind of interaction ensures that the students are willing to participate in teamwork in love and respect for one another (Marzano, 2007).
Goal for classroom behavior: Clean study environment
Rule: all students will be responsible for the cleanliness of the class and surrounding compounds.
Consequence: the entire class should clean up any mess in the class. Since this is a mistake for not cleaning the classroom, the consequence to clean the place will make them not to let it remain dirty in the future. If there are groups allocated for cleaning different areas, it will happen that the group will be responsible in cleaning the place. Groups or entire class should not be punished as a whole through not giving them lunch or summoning their parents.
Reinforcement: the provision of lessons on cleanliness and providing the students with playing equipments can be effective in ensuring that cleanliness is maintained (Burke, 2008).
Goal for classroom behavior: ‘no late work’ policy
Rule: all homework and assignments to be handed in on time.
Consequence: failure to hand in assignments on time will lead to total disqualification and giving the student a zero. In addition, students will be required to do extra work on top of the assignment in question, whether in groups or individuals. This will be the right way in ensuring that similar mistakes are not repeated in future (Burke, 2008). This will ensure that this behavioral goal is achieved.
Reinforcement: giving presents and prizes to students who hand in their work on time.
Goal for classroom behavior: encouraging the learner to get good grades in both examinations and homework.
Rule: punishment and repeat if pass-marks are not realized. Having pass marks make sure that all the students are active in their schoolwork so that they can achieve better results. Each student should reach his or her targeted pass mark. This sets the right mind in the student so that the finale goals can be realized. Once a student is punished or forced to repeat, chances are very high that he or she will work harder for better marks in future (Davies, 2007).
Consequence: students who fail to get the target marks will be supposed to attend remedial classes.
Reinforcement: students getting good results will be rewarded with presents and prizes.
Goal for classroom behavior: encourage independence on individual works.
Rule: for individual assignment, there will be no copying from somebody’s work.
Consequence: those who have copied will get zeros and be given a harder assignment as a result. Student’s performances will be displayed at the back of the classroom. This will ensure that those students who do not perform better are frustrated by their results hence working harder.
Reinforcement: use of prizes like extra study books and snacks.
Goal for classroom behavior: encourage good results from group works.
Rule: for group assignments, there will be no copying from another group.
Consequence: those who have copied will get zeros and be given a harder assignment as a result. Groups’ performances will be displayed at the back of the classroom. This will ensure that different groups not performing better work harder to get results.
Reinforcement: use of prizes like extra study books and extra prizes.
There are a number of reinforcement principles that can be done for both individual and groups of students for the best student behavior for the class-work rules. The major measures that can reinforce these rules is to ensure there are some discussions and guidance in ensuring that every learner is encouraged to be well behaved in the class. There will also be the application of rules, which will be provided, to the class prefects and class-teachers to govern students’ behaviors in the class. There will also be the giving of presents and gifts for both groups and individual students who are well behaved in the class. The third technique will be the provision of parties and dining for the best performing students. In addition, there can be the provision of textbooks and computer games for individual students so that the others can envy them and change for the better. There others will involve measures, which will bar the students from doing a number of things. Students may not be required to injure, annoy or do bad things to their classmates. Bad behaved students will not be given the appropriate attention, and there will be measures of ensuring that necessary actions are taken on those students who are not cooperative in the class.
If the above class management strategies are applied in ay given learning environment, it is very clear that the best results will be realized from the students. Although many rules and punishments have been applied in different schools with the idea of improving student’s performance, it should be noted that not always these practices give best results with the students’ performance. Through the application of the above behavioral goals in the learning environment, the number of problems that have been faced in the classroom will be reduced hence giving better results in the field. Through setting of goals, consequences, reinforcements and rules, the teachers can be able to improve learning activities in our schools (Burden, 2000). Through the application of the above-mentioned measures, the necessary behavior will be realized from the students, either in groups or individually.
Burden, P. R. (2000). Powerful classroom management strategies: motivating students to learn. Kansas: Corwin Press.
Burke, K. (2008). What to Do with the Kid Who...: Developing Cooperation, Self-Discipline, and Responsibility in the Classroom. Kansas: Corwin Press.
. Retrieved February 4, 2010, from,
Marzano, R. J. (2007). The art and science of teaching: a comprehensive framework for effective instruction. New York: ASCD Publishers
Thompson, J. G. (2007). The first-year teacher's survival guide: ready-to-use strategies, tools & activities for meeting the challenges of each school day. New York: John Wiley and Sons.