Achievement of the Learning Objectives

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Learning Outcome

The study of ethical leadership is a subject that cuts across the race, economic, social, religious and political backgrounds with a focus on leadership. The fact that morality and ethical values are subjective causes moral problems in the organization and management. Every person depends on background, expectations and norms may have different perspectives and views on morality. However, there must be acceptable standards of morality that people have to comply with across organizations. The overview of the presentation of the video on economic morality and implications expanded my knowledge. My personal learning outcomes is the knowledge I have developed on the nature of morality in different dealings and the fact of possible diverse view of morality and how it is commonly undermined. The understanding of the aspects of executing morality in economic transactions equips me with the best way to undertake operations within the existing expectations. I have learnt more about the subject matter by reading extensively and the overview of the video presentation.

My achievement of the learning objectives and the new knowledge I have gained during the week influenced by thinking through informing me on the different aspects that inform individual morality and how to undertake transactions (Hosmer, 2011). I have developed knowledge on processes to analyze a situation and to execute problem-solving over an issue and the moral impacts. I have expanded my knowledge on the implication of moral problems and the solutions to such problem and the economic impacts and relations. My competencies are built around ethical decision-making, ethical transactions based on compliance and determination of economic outcomes of actions. I can apply the skills while working in an institution in a leadership capacity or share to inform my peers and students to expand their knowledge. People have different beliefs and norms and the power to decide and hold what harms or benefit others to achieve their interests even when denying others their rights.

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