Attractiveness and Dating

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Topic 1: Attractiveness and Dating, Textbook p.403-404, and this website:

            My cousin was attracted to a certain blonde girl named PT. He has always talked about his desire to marry a light-skinned girl. When he met PT at the university, he never set to think twice about approaching her. He immediately asked her out. The girl was taking a degree in theatre arts while my cousin was taking a course in film technology in the same university. PT was a year older than my cousin was.

            One thing about my cousin was that he always sought my opinion in almost everything. Therefore, when he met PT, you could have seen his excitement when he narrated to me how he had met the desire of his life. PR has been dating PT for the last six months and they are getting married in three months time. PR has shared every experience in their life as he sought my advice on how to handle PT. I have come to realize that their love and attraction towards each other is based on mutual feelings.

            PR and PT share several things because both are staunch Christians and are active participants in the choir. They have even been made leaders in the choir. Their involvement in the church and the fact that they study at the same university gives them a lot of time together. They share the same worldview.

            PR and PT’s relationship has grown steadily to a full commitment to one another. Their attraction to each other is based on mutual feelings and the many things they share (Spark notes). The time they have been together has proven that my cousin’s attraction to blonde-haired people was real and his desire is almost being fulfilled in a few months time.

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