Addictive behaviors
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Literature review article
Addictive behaviors
The article on addictive behaviors is study on whether substance abuse is related to internet addiction. About three percent of internet users are high risks internet addicts where the behavior is correlated with substance abuse. The onset of substance use is also related to internet addiction. It is therefore Paramount to study on the correlation between substance abuse and internet addiction in a large group of uniformly sampled youths aged between 13 and 18 years because they are the most vulnerable for this behavior. Several studies on how internet addiction correlates with substance abuse have involved adult subjects. In addition, the number of subjects used has been small. It is therefore important to research on the relationship between internet addiction and substance abuse using adolescents as they the most vulnerable to risk-taking behaviors. Adolescents are also characterized by high novelty-seeking behavior and high need to explore, which lead them to socially interact through the internet. Individuals with internet addiction have similar temperaments with those that abuse substances, which necessitate a study on the overlap between the two behaviors. The study therefore suggests that substance abuse among the teenagers correlates with the risk for internet addiction (Spear, 2000).
The second article is a commentary on the plan to create the New National Institute on Substance use and addiction disorders (NISUAD). The national institute of health has initiated the plan to study on the science of addiction, which has raised concern in both public advocacy and scientific communities. According to the plan NISUAD would perform the tasks of National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism ( NIAAA). The implication would be that both NIDA and NIAAA would cease to exist. The main concern is on what pieces of NIDA and NIAAA should be transferred to NISUAD and what pieces would be housed within other centers of NIH. One advantage of implementing the plan is that it would enhance the mission to reduce substance abuse and other forms of addiction and reduce their impacts. It has been observed that NIAAA and NIDA have been differing on their definitions of alcohol and other drugs abuse. For instance, alcohol is legalized and is associated with some health benefits. On the other hand, use of illicit substances is illegal and associated with many health risks. The two definitions contradict each other, which necessitate a better approach probably through creation of NISUAD, which may received better funding. However, creation of NISUAD may be a costly exercise and may be realized at the expense of other substance abuse missions (Krystal & Nestler, ).
The article on neurobiology explores alcohol addiction from a biological point of view. From a biological perspective, there are neurobiological mechanisms underlying addiction. Secondly, the influence of genetic factors on human alcoholism is also explored through animal experiments. The article also discusses on the importance of research using alcohol self administration in animals and human subjects. Brain-imaging techniques have also been used to obtain more knowledge of neurobiology of alcohol addiction. Lastly, the process of using results obtained through research in addressing problems of alcoholism is paramount for discussion. Excess use of alcohol has been perceived as a moral failing and weakness and even the bible regard over use of wine as a serious matter. However, in the 18th century alcoholism was regarded as an illness and necessitated more studies (Hirsh, 1953).