advice for fellow students to help ease their math anxiety

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Topic: Read the Lecture Notes: Math Anxiety found in this module/week's Reading &
Study folder and then respond to the following questions: 
Do you have a fear of math? If so, what in your math history do you think led to
that? If not, then what has given you confidence in the past? Do you have any advice
for your fellow students to help ease their math anxiety
read and reply to student :
I do not fear Math because I know, I can do all things through Jesus Christ who
strengthens me Philippians 4:13 and that the word Fear is just an acronym meaning
false evidence of an Alternate Reality. I used to have anxiety and be fearful before
becoming a born again Christian. When I became aware of the strength I have in Jesus
and the ability I have to pray for God's favor over my understanding of what I'm
trying to learn. I then became more confident and was well able to succeed. That if
they don't have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ except him as you savior.
The Bible says in Romans 10:9;That you are saved if you confess with your mouth
Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your hear that God raised him from the dead,
then you will be saved. This is the best advice I could give anyone. Salvation is
just the begging of what Jesus dose in our life!
To all that read this have a blessed day.


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