What is pre- evangelism and how does it differ from evangelism?

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its have be 150 words for each one.
1.What is pre- evangelism and how does it differ from evangelism? Pre – Evangelism
is “tilling the soil of people’s minds and hearts to help them be more willing to
listen to the truth (1 Corinthians 3:6). Tilling the soil is important because
sometimes the ground is too hard, making it more difficult to plant the seeds of the
Gospel in people’s hearts (1 Corinthians 2:14) (Geisler, 2014, chs 1). It is
differed from evangelism because, “evangelism is a process.” “Evangelism is every
day and in every way helping your nonbelieving friends to take one step closer to
Jesus Christ” (Geisler, 2014).
Identify 3 ways in which you can personally partner with the Holy Spirit to more
effectively use elements of the pre-evangelism model (as discussed in Chapters 1 & 2
of the text) before sharing the Gospel message with unbelievers? Geisler says, in
chapter 1,” If we live godly lives and go out of our way to really love nonbelievers
(John 13:35), this contributes to cultivating good soil. The witness of our godly
life can help dispel the negative stereotype of the hypocritical Christian who
preaches one message but lives another. We also contribute to the development of
good soil when we see hearts soften rather than harden (Jeremiah 17:9; Ephesians
4:18) because of our prayers for people (James 5:16).” We can help them to build
bridges to the Gospel, based in part on our mutually shared beliefs (1 Corinthians
9:22)” (Geisler).” Some effective use elements of pre- evangelism models are “We
want to always start with step one and focus on listening to what others really
believe, learning their story, and hearing their gaps, where we go next depends on
our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading as He gives us a greater awareness of
the needs of the person we’re attempting to reach.  Finding the Balance Between
Surfacing Uncertainty and Creating an Interest in Jesus. Advantages to Using the
Conversational Evangelism Approach, and Learning the Mechanics of Pre-evangelism”
(Geisler, 2014 chs 2). The most important thing is praying and asking the Lord for
guidance. Word Count 350
GEISLER, DAVID. Conversational evangelism: Connecting with people to share Jesus.
S.l.: Harvest house pub, 2014.
2.Pre-Evangelism has tremendous number methods for sharing the Good News Gospel and
I strongly believe it presents legitimate methodologies that get adequate results in
evangelism; it literally it prepares and equips a believer with effective strategies
to execute in sharing the gospel of the kingdom.   David and Norman Geisler
characterize pre-evangelism as, “… a tilling the soil of people’s minds and hearts
to help them be more willing to listen to the truth. Tilling the soil is important
because sometimes the ground is too hard, making it more difficult to plant the
seeds of the Gospel in people’s hearts (1 Corinthians 2:14). Any farmer knows that
before he plants the seeds, he must look at the condition of the soil.[1]”. 
Evangelism is sharing the gospel of good news; it’s intentional demonstrates God
love for humanity.  John 3:16 says it best, “For God so loved the world, that he
gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but
have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the
world, but to save the world through Him.[2]”.  Evangelism is telling the greatest
story of God’s love and His redemptive plan for man; pre-evangelism is simply to
one’s favorite team (whether it’s a football, basketball, baseball, etc.) practicing
before a game, the players will learn a game strategy, study their opponents and
address a series of questions (such as how many games have they won, find out who
are the strongest players on the team as well).  I had the privilege to attend a
pre-evangelism training given by Riley Stephenson Evangelism Ministries several
years ago.  This evangelism training granted me, some practical and effective
strategies in sharing the gospel.  Pre-evangelism serves as a farmer, plowing,
planting and sow seed in the grounds of evangelism before we put our boots on the
ground (before we “Go Ye” and share the good news gospel of the kingdom).  
There are many ways we can enter into a partnership with the Holy Spirit through
pre-evangelism and here are a few ways:    
Holy Spirit Empowers Us:  Welcoming the Holy Spirit divine guidance which is a great
tool to bring effectiveness in our evangelism experience.  In other words, I can
wait on the Holy Spirit transferring divine insights into my spirit and just like He
did with Jeremiah 1, supernaturally putting the words in my mouth. 
Holy Spirit Convicts:  Recognizing I can depend on divine aid and assistance, even
in evangelism and negate from following any techniques of manipulations to convict
unbelievers of their sins, it's the activity of the Holy Spirit to do the
convicting.  Watchmen Nee reminds us of this truth and he states, “Now is the hour
we should humbly prostrate ourselves before God, willing to be convicted afresh of
our sins by the Holy Spirit."[3]
Holy Spirit Converts.  The most imperative process of the evangelism experience is
the conversion process and it’s the beginning of changing all things and setting the
stage for an eternal life experience.  I can recall this time in my life and it was
such a magnificent day, I felt new all over and it was a holy moment that words
can't precisely depict.
May we consistently utilize pre-evangelism strategies that touch the center of the
hearts of the lost, propel them to recognize they are sinners who need a Savior; and
share the redemption plan God ordained for humanity.
[1] Geisler, D., & Geisler, N. (2009). Conversational Evangelism [MyWordSearch].
Retrieved from http://wsb.to/&hbQkMPr on September 20, 2017
[2] John 3:16-17. (2015). In the Holy Bible: Authorized King James version (p.
1488). Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan.
[3] Nee, W. (n.d.). 18 Quotes About Conviction | ChristianQuotes.info. Retrieved
September 20, 2017, from
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