Best Corded Electric Lawn Mower in Reviews

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Article Template Hey, thanks for picking up this assignment. I'm looking for an article for my niche site that would help visitors — potential buyers make their purchasing decisions of the following products: 1. 2. 4. The article needs: 1. Excerpt — a short description of this article which contains title’s keyword in less than 200 characters to grab reader's attention to read on. This text will be used to display below article’s thumbnail image. 2. Lead/Lede — a first paragraph or two to hook the reader's attention. 3. Introduction — this is what makes the reader want to keep scrolling down to the good stuff. It needs to relate, or agree, with the problem the reader is having. It needs to promise the reader that you have a solution. And it also needs to tell the reader what to expect, without entirely telling the reader the whole story. Note: Most People who read this reviews are researchers. It’s likely that, they know a bit about this product already. When they hit this review, they need to know quickly that it’s going to answer the specific question they have. So, try to identify the most common questions readers are going to have, and answer them with this review. 4. Main Body Summarize each product, discuss important features — how it make buyers life better. Try to make the article as interesting as possible, as it will increase the chance that this article could go viral. a. Our Pick pick 1 best product; summarize and make recommendation; why we pick this product, how it make buyers life better and why/what kind of users should go for it. i. Product 1 summary b. Also Great Summarize the remaining products i. Product 2 summary ii. Product 3 summary iii. Product 4 summary iv. Product 5 summary Note: Each product summary should contain the following - Link — include link to product below product title - Description — identifying the product benefits and its intended use, how it makes buyers life better or worse. who the product is suited for, and what kinds of problems the product could help users resolve. - Pros, Cons & Bottom line — summary/list of the product’s pros and cons and a sentence of the bottom line. Important to throw in the cons otherwise your review will feel biased. - Features — List important features with a short sentence about how that feature might benefit someone life. 5. What to look for when buying Give your readers tip on what to look for when consider buying kind of product in this review. - A short introduction - List of what to look for with description why it is important 6. Conclusion Sum up the main point of the review, give a verdict, and make a recommendation of 1 — 2 (or sometime 3) products base on needs with CTA (Call to Actions). Don’t forget to also ask for comments. Note: - The tone of the article — needs to be friendly and informative. Use first-person voice with a casual, conversational style. You should come across as a friend gently guiding the reader through his/her problems. Let your readers feel that you are in a direct conversation with them about the product you are reviewing. - Try to Empathize with readers — What they want is to learn whether the product can actually solve their problems. They don’t want to hear about all the cool things the product can do; they want to see how the product performs in real life for someone in the same situation as them. - You can change products if you think it is not good. Important: If any contents are spin, duplicate text, copied or not quality friendly, I will reject it immediately or report to orderwritersORDER AN ORIGINAL PAPER NOW 

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