Responding to Diversity

Responding to Diversity

Note to the Writer:  Please see the Text with the chapters below.   You already have a downloaded copy of this text.


Text: Webb, L.D & Metha, A. (2017, 8th edition). Foundations of American Education


Chapter 9:    Responding to Diversity

Chapter 10: Student at Risk and at-Risk Behavior


Interview a Teacher Assignment:


Goal: Consider the knowledge and experiences of a teacher in relation to the topics discussed in the chapters


v  You should come up with about 14 questions to ask the teacher (see questions below)


1.      You are to type a synopsis of the interview in paragraph format (include the teacher’s grade level and years of experience).


2.      Make connections to course readings and class discussions within your write-up of the interview.


3.      Lastly, discuss how the interview has informed your thinking as a prospective educator.

 Interview Questions for Teacher

1. Why did you choose to become a teacher?

2.   What do you feel is the most effective way to communicate with parents? Describe how you have used this/these technique(s).

3.    You give an assignment. A student ridicules the assignment, saying it doesn’t make sense. What do you do?

4.    How do you help students experience success?

5.    How do you individualize instruction for students?

6.    What procedures do you use to evaluate student progress besides using tests?

7.    How would you challenge the slow learner and the advanced learner within the same class?

8.    What would your students say about you?

9.  Do you integrate technology into the curriculum you teach?  If so, how do you integrate this technology?

10.  Give an example of how you have used cooperative learning in your classroom.

11.  What four words would students use to describe your teaching strategies?

12.  What rules do you have for your classroom?

13.  Describe your teaching style and on how you accommodate the different learning styles of the students in your classes

14.  In what ways do you keep students on task and well behaved during collaborative group activities?


Follow the rules of the publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(APA, 6th edition) in citing references. , and through APA style must include a cover page, page numbers, running head, subtitles, citations and reference page.

Your writing should be in ‘People First’ language.  People First language is used in professional fields to provide meaning and value to the student/person before the disability.  Examples of People First language includes “student with Autism” as opposed to “Autistic child” or “child with a disability” as opposed to “disabled child.”  Papers that do not reflect People First language will lose points.


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