Some athletes, despite being banned by most sports organizations, use performance-enhancing drugs
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Some athletes, despite being banned by most sports organizations, use performance-enhancing drugs
Biological Chemistry 644
Term Paper
Every BIO 644 student will write a term paper requiring that you read scientific papers, and summarize your readings in your own words. Term papers will be 8 pages typewritten of text (1 inch margins all around, 12pt Times New Roman font, double spaced). Your bibliography must have a minimum of 2 review papers and 6 peer-reviewed research papers. Do not cite internet pages or Wikipedia; they can be read to provide you with basic background, but do not use them in your paper.
Rather, you must rely on the peer-reviewed scientific literature. If you include any figures or tables, they must be added at the end of the paper, after the bibliography, and cannot be included in the 8 pages of text.
In-text citations and literature cited must be done in the style of The Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry
(, and must be included AFTER the 8 pages of original text. The Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry summarizes its reference style with these examples:
For journals:
1. Brown, J.; Jones, M.; Green, D. Article title. J. Agric. Food Chem. 1980, 28, 1–4.
For books:
2. Smith, L; Caldwell, A. Chapter title. In Book Title, edition no.; Keys, F., Park,
G., Eds.; Publisher: City, State (or Country if non-U.S.), Year; Vol. no., pp.
For full credit, you must follow this style exactly, including punctuation and formatting of the references and thee in text citations.
Term Paper Topic: Performance enhancing drugs are used by some athletes, despite being banned by most sports organizations. Russia was banned from participating officially as a nation in the 2018 Winter Olympics for a state-sponsored doping scandal at the 2014 Winter
Olympics in Russia
One of the performance-enhancing drugs commonly used is testosterone.
You need to address the following in your term paper:
A. Find at least two review articles about testosterone in 2008 or more recently.
Based on your readings in the review articles, explain: what is testosterone, and what is known about the testosterone receptor?
B. Find three peer-reviewed research papers, written after 2005 that discusses the mechanism of action of testosterone on muscle mass gain. Explain the hypotheses of these papers, and the major results.
C. Find three peer-reviewed research papers, written after 2005 that discusses toxicity of testosterone. Explain the hypotheses of these papers, and the major results.
D. Conclude your paper by explain how Russian athletes who were doping in the 2014
Winter Olympics were not detected, and how testing methods could be modified to prevent this in the future.
April 16, provide a draft one-page bibliography of the 6 papers you have selected
for your paper. Create the bibliography in the style of the Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry. After each citation write either “research” or “review”. Based
on my feedback, your selection of papers may change.
April 23, provide a printed outline of your paper. Use the style shown in the
website You MUST
include both an Introduction and Conclusion to get full marks. For each item in the
outline, cite a paper that you will use, and include a literature cited section for
your outline.