Academic paper is a systematic piece of written work that aims at publishing findings of research or presenting theoretical ideas or critical assessments of a particular matter. It is a vital component because it is the process of adding to the stock of knowledge in a specific field of study. Academic papers are one of the most vital tasks that students are supposed to write in their academic journey. This paper seeks to define what academic papers are, and the elements, which are usually included when writing the paper, tips taken while writing the paper.


The value of an academic paper is knowledge and the contribution to the scholarly conversation. They enable the researchers to post their findings, question views already in place, and even come up with new hypotheses. Thus, academic papers also became a form of critical thinking, research skills, and ability to provide necessary knowledge on a particular subject.


As for diverse requirements and styles of the academic papers, there are several main parts or sections of a typical academic paper. The first part helps to introduce the topic of the study by asking a question or stating the hypothesis and giving some context. It should grab the reader’s attention and briefly tell the reader what the paper aims at achieving.


The literature study examines previous studies on the subject at hand, pointing out important facts, theories and available knowledge deficiencies. In this section, the author proves his awareness of the field to which the paper belongs and situates the paper itself within the context of relevant research.


This section includes discussion about the chosen research approach, population, procedure of data collection and reproduction as well. This involves explaining the processes that are used, instruments used, and methods used in the process. Accuracy and legibility are essential in this section to let other researchers repeat the study should they wish to do so.


This section synthesizes the areas of inquiries and provide the research findings as effectively as possible. This may require the use of table, graphs and charts in the presentation of data. Finally, the discussion section of the research translates or discusses the findings, where the findings are talked about in terms of what they mean, or their relevance and significance that they hold with regards to the research question formulated and the existing body of knowledge.


Last but not least, conclusion restates the main arguments and the importance of the study and provides an outlook on further research. This closing section should recapitulate the main arguments of the paper and somehow impact the reader.


As a result, following several tips is highly recommended when writing an academic paper. First of all, it is essential to select an appropriate topic that is somehow related to the focus of the further research. Carrying out the initial search in a specific area enables one to recognize the existing or perceived gaps and, therefore, focus on a relevant question. Having a clear thesis in mind together with an outline for the paper acts as a guide to the paper. This way, data collected can easily be analyzed systematically to ensure that the findings are valid and reliable. Also, re-writing and editing the paper enhance organization, cohesion and overall quality of the paper.


Thus, an academic paper is a significant scholarly instrument that enables its author to disseminate outcomes of their research, contribute to the growth of knowledge, and initiate a debate in the academic community. Following these guidelines and paying attention to the roles of the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion a student can write profound papers that will have an impact.


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