Scientific papers are an important part of academic analysis, as they provide intricate overviews of certain areas and become a part of knowledge within multiple disciplines. The following essay aims to explain the purposes of research papers; identifying the elements of a good example of a research paper; ways on how one can create a good research paper.


A research paper focuses mainly on the establishment of inquiry into a specific issue, and offers conclusions alongside fresh insights sharing with the scholarly society. Arising from the fact that research papers call for an elaborate study associated with extensive research, most of the working entails collection of both primary and secondary data. It assists students in the ways of sharpening the critical, analytical and profound thinking process of the subject.


In accident, a good research paper must contain several fundamental characteristics. First of all, the introduction could be very stimulating and filled with referential information as it includes the concern or the research question/ hypothesis. The introduction should set the social context and define what the paper is about and why this is important.


Then, there is the literature review section where the author presents a review of the literature concerning the topic under study. In this section, the author proves his or her understanding of the state of research in the area, shows existing gaps, and perceives the necessity for the study. This involves the identification of critical sources and linking them with the existing literature upon which the new research will be anchored on.


The main section of the present study is the methodology section which describes the research design of the study. This pertains to the description of the way the data was collected and analyzed and other tools and instruments that were applied. The last part focuses on methodology and Marsh and Haire’s models to enable replication by other researchers, if need be, and as such the section must be very clear and transparent.


This section implies the presentation of the findings of the research in an organized and clear manner. This may entail the employment of table, graphs, and charts in presentation of the data that is collected. The results are then discussed in the context of the study aims by outlining the findings’ meaning, importance and connection to the research interests and past studies.


Last but not the least, it provides a conclusive section that consists of the summary of the research study, justification of its relevance, and implications for additional research. The conclusion of this paper should be the summary of all the analyzed arguments and should create a lasting image to the reader.


This indicates that, for the students to come up with good research paper, they should ensure they work on clarity, coherence, and critique. Every section should be coherent and ideas within the sections should flow from one to the other. Avoiding plagiarism is good practice that helps to keep the academic credibility and that is why citations and references are very important. Also, re-reading the text together with the revision and feedback will contribute to the improvement of the paper.


To sum up, studies have found that research papers are crucial to the development of new knowledge and elucidation of different fields of study. Good research papers have good problems stated, developmental history, methodology, results which are presented in a good way, good discussions and good conclusion. In this manner, it is possible to pay much attention to the specified components and abide by academic requirements to write the research papers that would make an impact.


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