Performance Planning in organizations

Performance Planning

            Performance in organizations is managed in all aspects with the similar approaches applicable to different groups regardless of the place, the type and the size of a company. Performance planning depends upon the implementation of performance management systems, and a meeting has to be held incorporating employees in the effort of performance planning (Suppa, & Zardini, 2012). Performance planning provides an approach through which to achieve the desirable level of performance for organizations and its people. Leaders ensure that plans are in place for their units or companies and the team members. Performance planning incorporates the views of other team members and the leader.

            A performance plan gives team members an opportunity to realize the expectations out of them and aids in developing new skills (Agyapong, & Muntaka, 2012). A performance plan does not stop at the planning as such but goes ahead to inculcate performance improvement measures too, with its initial documentation having a detail of what is expected of an individual or a group. In establishing a performance management plan, the identification of the desirable performance is core. The manner of achieving the performance levels is also structured, and a continual measurement towards desirable performance levels is put in place.

            A performance plan must have specific goals and development, performance measures towards which the performance is comparable, actions towards achieving goals and timeliness of achieving goals. Most importantly, performance plans to align with organizational goals through the alignment of plans to team operations, team purpose and the organization’s general strategic plan (Quinn, 2010). Performance improvement is undertaken when the performance falls below the set levels to avoid adverse impacts that can lead to failure. There has to be a plan in place that outlines a response to the decrease in team activities and cohesiveness.

            When performance deficiency and conflict is realized, it is most important to have a timely response to avert any negated performance. A performance improvement action should be effected to ensure the success of the performance management plan in place, which reflects on the performance of the organization. The performance management cycle ranges from planning, managing, review and appraisal of performance (Bronzo, Marcos, & McCormack, 2012). The levels of the cycle depend on those developing it and its structure with a possibility of having three to six aspects that contain all the necessary actions.

            At the onset of the cycle, the team leader, and the team members undertake the planning of performance. Evaluation of expectations within a set period and the employee role and performance at the start grants idea in the areas of initial improvements. While implementing the plan, providing support for employees and providing the relevant and necessary tools ensures the maximization of performance levels (Bromiley, Navarro, & Sottile, 2010). The performance plan set in the initial stage must receive strict adherence and the identification of any possible barrier that may bar performance is essential. Getting to engage the employees in the middle of performance ensures that all critical adjustments are effected at the appropriate time.

            Performance appraisal is another aspect of the performance cycle with the final stage being that of renewal where objectives are reconsidered and the manner in which to improve them to plan for the coming period. An example of performance plan can be a case where a company wants to implement a program and sets a team to undertake the actions. The team has to develop a plan in line with the organization’s objective to accomplish the program (Anjani, & Subrahmanian, 2011). The current group has a performance plan and thus my performance is sufficient since the program gives a proper layout with which to perform tasks. The plan is perfect in its current state and requires no adjustment since most people see it workable.

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