Background of Project Management Plan
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Project Management Plan
Project Background
This section featured the International Lighting Company, its establishment, purpose, and scope. All the information about the company and its products, market and industry, are presented while highlighting its best practices. The project background gave an overview of the company and its project, the scope and intended purpose.
Project Needs
Every project in its lifetime has the necessary requirements to accomplish it in its lifecycle. Such needs must be identified initially before progressing to other levels of the project work. The primary objective and need of the automation project of the International Lighting Company is to develop an automated equipment repair and maintenance system. Goals and needs of a project need precise identification and stipulation.
The project is expected to help in the promotion of data integrity and service efficiency to users, management and record sources through the automated equipment repair and maintenance monitoring system. The system is intended to bring an ease for users and management and is expected to be flexible to adapt to the everyday changing customer needs (Jung & Lim, 2007). The service quality of the company will be improved and cut down the cost and risk of wastage and non-accountability. Stakeholders and the management can have ease of monitoring activities within the business and have the chance to access authorized data and information.
Project Charter
The project focuses on promoting data integrity and service efficiency to users, management and record sources through its product. The system would electronically capture and record equipment repair details of both customers and technician in question deepening data security and amplify analysis and reporting (Headman, 2011). Lack of technical coordination makes projects not to incorporate mechanisms that can be applied in solving problems.
Project Schedule
In the project schedule, the activities were expected to be identified and arranged in a flowing manner. The periods through which the activities are rolled out are also established, and the activities documented against time in a flow. The requirements have to be specified in the schedule including team development and data collection.
Feasibility Plan Outline
There is a need for a preliminary investigation concluded to find the validity of a project before it is commenced, social, economic and technical.
Budget Outline
The estimated budget to be incurred during the project must be documented. Common to all projects, a 14% of the estimate is added to the budget to cover the unexpected expenses.
Project Approach
The activities to be undertaken and how they are carried out ensures the ultimate project objectives are met. How the system will work better to support the organization needs is determined that will help sustain the success of the business (Craig & Clark, 2012). Facts about the current system and what is required to improve the current system is collected and recorded on the project focus and specifications.
Define the Organizational Structure
The organization structure is described in the manner in which the command flows. The International Lighting Company has marketing, finance, ICT, production and HRM specialties each have their sub-organization that is represented at board level. The size of the departments of an organization varies depending on the type of an organization and dealings.
Presentation to Management
The projectpresentation is done by the preparation and the physical presentation, preparation of content and summary. Critical components of the display are core things that need to be done to achieve the primary objectives, goals and mission of the project. The presentations show how things are done, the things to be done, and the flow to achieving project objectives.
Budget Needs
The budget needs present the requirements in terms of resources for the activities on the schedule. All such activities are allocated necessary resources and funds that will see them undertaken, and deficits minimized.
Method to Track and Communicate Budget Actuals
There should be plans in place to track and communicate budget actuals to stakeholders. The projections have to be in a clear way that is acceptable, and that will be easier for the relevant parties to understand, and must support necessary adjustments.
Work Breakdown Structure
Work breakdown structure (WBS) is a tool that helps determine what the people and the project would work on aligned with the project schedule to set the foundation for conducting the project. The structure helps decompose the project in a hierarchical manner into manageable tasks to be completed by the teams (Niu & Xue, 2014). The essential components of work breakdown structure are the levels, coding, dictionary, the elements, the package and visual representation format (Maloney, 2012).With the advancements in technology, various tools and software such as the Microsoft project are available for creating the work breakdown structure (Bloch, Blumberg, & Laartz, 2012).
Developing Project Team
While developing a team, plans should be in place to ensure that an effective team is constituted. The internal skills must be assessed, and plans have to be designed to create group relationship. Members are interviewed and on acceptence; all the possible side issues must be addressed. External resources necessary for the project team has to be identified and processed.
Project Plan
The project plan has essential elements that constitute a formal guidance for project control, monitoring, and execution. It details project planning, decisions, and facilitating communication within the program documenting the scope, cost and project baselines of the project (Levin, 2008). The plan highlights schedule, risk analysis, project constraints, network and management reserve plans. The program introduces the project of the automated equipment repair monitoring system providing its overview, describing deliverables and benefits.
Implementation Plan
The implementation plan highlights the manner in which the project activities are going to be rolled out, and the necessary actions to be effected in prior. The project has to be communicated to all stakeholders, and the baseline updated, and after that the implementation plan is developed to help in implementing the project. The plan highlights the kick-off meeting, progress, and financial tracking schemes.
Revision Plan
It presents change control plans and the meetings where updates, resolutions and sharing of ideas will be possible (Richman, 2012). The method entails how the change reviewing takes place, approval, implementation, and the responsibilities for such.
Strategic Quality Plan
Acceptable level of quality definition and description ensure a project achieves the degree of quality. The project has to operate within the required standards and requirements, and the work process has to be efficient as documented and appropriate corrective measures undertaken (Westcott, 2009). Quality deliverable and quality processes of the project have to be ensured.
Leading the Project Management Team
A competent project manager first ranks as a best team leader. Project management process evolves from project delivery process to being a business process requiring business system approach. The forces within the project teams must operate in a way that they create stronger positive effects for the project (Cleland, & Ireland, 2008).
Project Completion Plan
The purpose of the project must ultimately be delivered at a time that satisfies all the stakeholders when it is closing. This last stage of the project is as important as the other steps, and must be part of initial plans (Williams, 2012). The completion program must have the end of the project plan, final sign off plan, action/project report, pitfalls and the project celebration and disbandment of the team scheme.