Discussion on Diversity at Workplaces
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Diversity at Workplaces
Today’s business settings require that all people from all forms of backgrounds and cultures to be involved all the day to day undertakings. These people may from different social settings inform of race, color, religion, beliefs and attitudes. Due to emerging global trends in doing business, there is demand for diversity in all aspects of doing business in order to maximize on resources available around the world.
According to Cascio (2013) diversity at is important for organizations to help in planning on how to align them strategically in order to enhance compete in the world markets. Many business entities have gone worldwide, to seek expansion of areas of operation. In accommodating all people from different social settings, it is easier to run business in different parts of the world. More customers will develop confidence in the product being offered (Chalofsky, 2010).
The extent to which the businesses offer the product will increase significantly because of positive feedback the settings. There will be increased interactions from different points of view; employees then would learn new ideas and skills that would enhance productivity of the business Cascio (2013). In this regard, employees will varied abilities will be maximally utilized and a proper plan put in place in order to engage them fully in the future planning for the business.
Most business are always planning to perform better than others in the same area of practice, there is therefore a need to create a good image for the customer base (Lowe, 2010). By appreciating diversity the gains in this area will be more and this will enhance productivity.
Casio (2013) points out that when it comes to entities joining to do business together, diversity enhances quick integration because employees from both entities interact with all social settings. It would therefore be very easy to distribute tasks because of strong teams that exist.
Johnson (2011) emphasizes that diversity as a being acquainted with the ways other people behave or are, being able to handle them well and be at ease with them. This attitude enhances employees’ interactions and sharing of skills. Ferdman & Deane (2014) explains that a good organizer ensures that the organization operations are all encompassing. This will develop leaders of tomorrow.