Leisure and Aging


According to chapter 9, spiritually healthy people display several internal and external characteristics. For instance, when interacting with other people, their character consists of trust, honesty, integrity, altruism, service, and compassion. They are in regular communion and in a personal relationship with a higher power that transcends an observable physical reality. They know who they are and live according to their identity. It does not matter the role in life or what they own because they are confident in themselves and are secure enough not to let insecurity dictate their actions, decisions, and thoughts. They do not mind the views of other people and do not waste time thinking about the accusations of other people. Spiritually healthy people know how to grieve and how to overcome disappointment and heartache. Those people do not deny hurt or shove down pain; they confront it positively and get a solution to it even if it requires extra time to mend some of the issues. When approaching problems, they do not take themselves as victims but recognize that heart maintenance is paramount when going through pain.

Spiritually healthy people focus on the solution when everyone points out problems and always look for ways to move forward through the available options. This mindset makes them give others hope with a great deal of maturity where they sympathize with others who are in deep problems and tell them there is hope. They guard their peace because a healthy lifestyle requires inward peace. They know to limit the voices that speak to them and have clear boundaries of toxic people. Their hearts have peace; anger, fear, and guilt cannot affect them. When they encounter difficult people, they know how to interact with them. Though not able to have a solution to every situation, they can handle difficult people. They can give thanks in everything no matter what situation and are happy for being alive. They practice God's word, not overtly preachy or lecturing people but only tell them what the Bible teaches. They are worshippers, can stop everything and be in the presence of God.


According to the authors, social well-being and spiritual well-being overlap with each other in that they are both fundamental human components that enable individuals to achieve personal stability by creating more meaning in life, satisfaction, and confidence in themselves. The overlap manifests in the fact that social well-being refers to the appraisal of one's circumstances, functioning in society, and the perception of having support from friends and family members any time you are in want as other people value you as a person who can support them. 

On the other hand, regarding spiritual well-being, spiritually healthy individuals are people who are always at peace regardless of the situations they are facing in life. They find hope as well as comfort even during the difficult moments of their life, which is also a vital requirement for one to obtain personal stability in life.

Social well-being and spiritual well-being share dimensions as they require integration at both social and spiritual level where one has to have something in common with others and a sense of belonging to community and society. For instance, they both involve Leisure activities, which provide opportunities for people to meet and make friends with whom they express their feeling about one another through sharing resources and information.     

  ESSAY 3:

The enactment of the Older Americans Act (OAA) was in 1965 to support the home as well as community-based services, which include meals-on-wheels, in-home and legal services, transportation, caregiver support, and prevention of elder abuse. These programs help seniors to be independent in their homes and communities. The assistance of OAA helps to avoid nursing home care and hospitalization, which saves state and federal funds that would provide the care. There is the promotion of the dignity of senior adults through the provision of services, support to remain independent and active in the communities. It focuses on assisting people who have economic and social needs, minority persons, low-income earners, and older individuals who reside in rural areas.

OAA support training and research project and authorizes the Senior Community Service Employment Program, which provides part-time employment for people above 55 years and is unemployed or low-income earners. They offer grants to Native Americans and funds to tribal organizations and nonprofits that represent Native Hawaiians. They support programs that protect the rights of older adults, which include the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program and services to prevent elder abuse. Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program investigates as well as provides a solution to complaints by residents of the nursing facility or institutionalized populations. It offers financial support to senior centers and provides grants for constructing new senior centers. 


According to Rowe and Kahn, there are three components we must keep in mind if we want to age healthily. Rowe and Kahn cite that healthy aging comprises of avoidance of diseases as well as disability, maintenance of both cognitive and physical functioning, and one's commitment to life.

Avoiding diseases as well as disability

  Good health and one’s ability allow one to age in a social network and social support, which happen through participation in a group of people who are old, maintaining of friends and family members who provide emotional support. Consequently, participating in groups through forming a network of friends provides a chance to learn and exchange knowledge with elderly individuals as well as health professionals. Old friends are fundamental for going for walks together; in participating, one forgets about the challenges in life.

Engagement in active leisure activities

 Engagement in active leisure activities like trips, domestic tasks, and manual labor is paramount. The vigorous aged people remain healthy and are independent as they perform their activities daily. Active mature people can move about and communicate with others. When aging people stay active, they have positive feelings and are motivated when they know that they can be self-reliant as they perform their daily activities.

Maintenance of both cognitive and physical functioning

That helps one to be happy and calm through the aging process and makes one feel better in a group with people they can identify. Cognitive and physical functioning takes place when one receives affection from the people they relate with who care for them and provide medical care any time they are not feeling well. That helps one to cope with different challenges and changes that occur with age.

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