Your personal philosophy of nursing statement

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Your personal philosophy of nursing statement. APA in 6th ed style. see attachment file with guide
Your Personal Philosophy of Nursing Statement
You will be studying beliefs and values. You will explore elements of selected nursing philosophies, nursing conceptual models, and theories of nursing. You will consider some of the most noted theoretical works in how they guide nursing practice. A metaparadigm is a concept that is extremely general, one that serves to define an entire world of thought. You will be introduced to the basic four concepts of the metaparadigm for nursing which serve to underpin the entire conceptual universe of the nursing profession. Those concepts in the metaparadigm are: person, health, environment, and nursing.
Philosophy is defined as the study of the principles underlying conduct, thought, and the nature of the universe.
Everyone has a personal philosophy of life, whether they have ever subjected their own beliefs to rational thought.
Nurses' personal philosophies directly impact their practice.
Philosophies of nursing are statements of belief about nursing and expressions of values in nursing that are used as bases for thinking and acting. Nurses are influenced daily by their beliefs, formal or informal, regarding nursing
This assignment is due end of Week 04. This is the alert so that you can have the focus as you study these weeks with intent. The assignment has YOU illustrate your own nursing philosophy.
While you are encouraged to free-write on this assignment, the example in Box 12-8 of the text (pg. 263) is a great start. In addition, the guide in Box 12-8 may pique your writing.
The following guidelines are provided as the minimal requirements for this assignment:
1. LENGTH: 1 page minimum, 2 pages maximum – excluding title page and references
2. APA format ? yes
3. REFERENCES: Three; at least two from current nursing journals (< 5 years) in addition to the course textbook.
Then, the paper content should follow this general format:
1. Introductory paragraph
o Introduce the paper without a heading entitled “introduction.” Simply start. Make this intro paragraph
personal and catching. Again, see Box 12-8, p. 263.
2. Next four paragraphs
o In four subsequent paragraphs, describe your definition and description of each concept in the
metaparadigm: person, health, environment, and nursing.
o Start with a tight, succinct definition of each (one or two sentences), followed by a broader description
in 3-5 sentences.
o Consider customizing the perspectives of at least one major nursing theorist - whichever align with
o Then, close each paragraph on the four concepts with a final summative statement.
3. Conclusion/Summary Paragraph
o This final summation is yours solely
o Summarize paper - be free, creative, and personal.
As always, your paper should be free of spelling and grammatical errors and use APA formatting style. For more
information on APA, please refer to the Resources tab in this course.
This paper will be submitted to a drop-box in Module 04. Enjoy !


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