The Atlanta History Center

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Writing Assignments: 
Note to the writer:  Please see the site and exhibit below that I choose to write
on.  Thanks.
All work done outside of class is to be typed or word-processed, double-spaced, with
one-inch margins all around. I prefer Times New Roman, 12 point type (this is
written in Times New Roman 12 point). Do not use bold or italic type for the text.
Do not use a cover sheet. At the top of the first page, single-spaced, type your
name, the course number and section, and the date. Space down two lines, give your
paper a title, space down again and begin your text
Historical Site Analysis Paper        
You are to visit a Georgia historical site for the purpose of analyzing that site as
making an argument about the past.  After visiting the site, and you may want to
visit it more than once, you will write an eight  page review (no longer or shorter,
without illustrations) on how the presenters of this site, by presenting these
artifacts, want you to understand  its past. I want you to view this site or
collection in the same way you would read a text. In other words, what argument does
it make to the viewer, how does it make that argument, what evidence is brought to
the task of trying to persuade the visitor of the point of view of the collection
and the extent to which you, as one critiquing the presentation, is persuaded by the
argument? Obviously we will discuss this in detail when we visit the site. 
Your review should include the following elements in this order:  
a. Exhibit or site title, name and location of host institution, names of principal
exhibit creators (if available), sponsors or underwriters (if any), date(s) you
viewed the exhibit.
b. The historical subject that is conveyed in the exhibit and how it is conveyed
(use    of artifacts, media, labels, commentary, etc., or some combination thereof).
These first two points should be made very briefly, as a simple matter of fact.
Points a. and b. should be no longer than one page, combined.
c. Purpose(s) of the exhibit. What argument does it make about the past? Intended
audience? Who is expected to be persuaded by the argument the collection makes? 
d. Presentation of evidence. Tell in some detail what was in the exhibit or site
that convinced you of its purpose. 
e. Criticism. Your assessment of the overall content of the exhibit. Does it reflect
sound historical scholarship?  Does it employ an appropriate use and mix of
artifacts, images, narrative, and/or other source material?  How effective is the
exhibit design?  How well does it achieve its purpose(s)? Did it leave anything out,
and if so, were those omissions deliberate, accidental, or due to lack of material
or artifacts?  
Write this in narrative form (not bullet points). Each letter above should be its
own paragraph or two, but do not use bullet points to separate your writing.
Ideally, when you are finished this should read like a review in a magazine or
scholarly journal. We will discuss this assignment in considerable detail in class.
This assignment is worth 200 points.  
Historic Site: The Atlanta History Center 
Exhibit: The Swan House
This should be your own observation so no citation is necessary. 


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