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Research papers must meet a number of major processes in the course of developing the final document and the following are the most important ones. The first and most obvious procedure that is chosen is to select a topic. To avoid getting bored while writing the paper and to be able to write a good paper, one should ensure that he or she selects a topic of interest and that has enough materials to base his or her research on. If the topic is chosen, then one should search for some perspective or a facet which will interest them. However, after you have a topic, then it is required that you have a clear research question or thesis statement. This will help shape your topic and approach you are going to take while doing the research and writing.


The next form of information gathering is from the credible sources. Academic journals, books, and credible websites should be employed in gathering the relevant data and information regarding the subject. One has to make an assessment as to the reliability of the sources used and check if the information provided is topical. While searching, make notes and have a record of notes which may consist of themes or arguments. This will help to make the process of writing easier since you will not have to keep on searching for the findings again.


After that, it is necessary to have the set of information, which must be allocate by the means of the scheme. These are some of the features of a standard research paper; the paper has an introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction must contain the overview of the research problem or question and brief history of the research topic. This means that each of the body paragraphs should necessarily deal with a single argument or evidence in support of the thesis statement. Do not forget to cite all the sources you used in your paper or in the text, in general.


After you have your outline in place write your first copy of the paper. Oh, don’t try to have a perfect format of organizing your ideas because this lesson is more important for recognizing the action of creating a clear and well-structured plan. After writing, make sure that the paper is coherent, consistent and follows proper logical flow. Make sure to properly write transitions between your paragraphs and that your claims are backed up.


Last but not the least, run the paper for readability check to point out the common mistakes you may have made such as grammatical mistakes, wrong citation or formatting among others. Certain bibliographic citation styles such as APA, MLA are very helpful in minimizing cases of plagiarism. By adopting these measures, one will have the best researched paper that contains all the aspects of the instructions given.


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