Smallpox and syphilis, though immediately virulent, settled down to become endemic diseases that were no longer deadly. Describe what these diseases are, compare the impact of both diseases and discuss why they lost their virulence.
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Essay: Select two (2) of the essay questions below and provide a complete response in 1 to 2 pages, double-spaced for each. Both answers are to be in one file. Be sure to include your name, the question and answer all aspects of the question:
1. Smallpox and syphilis, though immediately virulent, settled down to become endemic diseases that were no longer deadly. Describe what these diseases are, compare the impact of both diseases and discuss why they lost their virulence.
2. How did the Industrial Revolution relate to public health (both positively and negatively)?
3. AIDS is considered the plague of the 20th and 21st centuries. Describe what AIDS is and discuss its development in America and Africa especially the impact on population.