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Selecting a good topic in term paper is fundamental to the way it is going to be achieved. Choosing a good topic makes sure that the student will not get bored and he or she can contribute important information. Here are several term paper topic ideas across different fields:


  1. Literature: Discuss the elements of postmodernism in either, George Orwell’s 1984 or Aldous Huxley’s [Brave New World]. A second idea could be to look at the representation of women in Shakespeare’s plays and in particular to focus on Hamlet, Macbeth and Othello in terms of gender constructs.


  1. History: Research on the events that led to the First or Second World War. You could also write about such important social movement as the Civil Rights Movement in the U. S. A., the strategies and achievements of the leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.


  1. Psychology: Discuss PTSD in relation to childhood or examine the various theories of personality development starting with Sigmund Freud’s psychosexual stage. Alternatively, it is possible to focus on how social networks influence contemporary mental state with a focus on youth.
  2. Environmental Science: Learn about the effects of climate change on Biodiversity or the application of renewable energy to solve the global energy problem. It can also be embedded to working on these things like the impact of deforestation on the environment or pollutions in the seas.
  3. Political Science: In being specific, predict the impacts of populism on contemporary democracies or assess the role of lobbyists in shaping governments’ agendas. A comparison of the political structures could also be informative of for example communism and capitalism.


  1. Economics: Research about the effects of poor income distribution or the effects of globalization on the developing countries. Another topic of discussion could be on the issue of bitcoin and how it can become a medium of exchange to effectively replace the banking systems.


  1. Technology: This will involve looking at the various ethical issues that arise in artificial intelligence or how various technologies are affecting various job markets across the world. Another example of a term paper could be the general theme for which was cybersecurity within a society that is progressively going digital.


Thus, it can be stated that choosing of the good term paper is best when one selects the topic, which will be interesting and there are many sources available. It means that the key for you is to choose a topic that is as specific as possible but as general at the same time that would let you work a lot.


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