Social Support and Social Integration
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Social Support and Social Integration, Textbook p. 584 and Health Knowledge: http://www.healthknowledge,
An individual’s health is determined by his or her social and psychological ability to manage stress (Health Knowledge). Stresses of life are increased by a person’s lack of social support. Social support relates to the importance of interpersonal relations (Health Knowledge). Social networks are important in protecting people against negative impact of stressful life events (Health Knowledge).
Social integration on the other hand is very crucial for the well being and health of individuals (Health Knowledge). Lack of social integration makes individuals less able to cope with stresses of life. The modern society individualistic tendencies lead them to leave solitary lives that are guided by selfish interests. This means that when these individuals get into situations where they need the society to support them, they are usually at a loss. They lack a sense of belonging to their society and hence they cannot receive help from fellow humanbeings in the society.
There are institutions that coordinate and assist in social integration. These include the family, religion and employment. All these facilitate social integration (Health Knowledge). They help to offer individuals a sense of belonging and meaning (Health Knowledge).