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Abortion is an issue that has drawn different opinions and arguments all over the world. Different states or countries all over the world treat the problem differently with some legalizing it and others criminalizing the act. Even though, some states may criminalize abortion; there are forms of abortion that can never be legislated. Many people confuse the term abortion with the induced type of abortion, not knowing those forms of abortion which are either ignored or cannot be legislated. The various forms of abortion are; induced abortion, spontaneous abortion, medical procedural abortion, herbal, surgical and traumatizing the abdomen.

The act of expulsion or the removal of the fetus or an embryo from the uterus before maturity with the intention of terminating a pregnancy is the act of abortion. Abortion can be purposely induced, or it can be spontaneous. Spontaneous abortion is normally no intentional and comes without the understanding of the bearer as a miscarriage. Induced abortion can be performed through different means, both modern and traditional. The tradition means are presented with herbs and application of trauma to the abdomen. The modern means are either surgical or medical procedures.

John Noonan reviews Frankena and Rawls in his article to come up with theories and bridge explanations on the reasons as to why he opposes abortion. He connects his arguments from different beliefs and come up with models to discredit abortion. He goes on systematically to connect the facts and models to come up with his reasonable argument. Thompson on her part tries to explain procedural abortion where it is necessary and tries to discredit abortion on demand arguing that no one has a right to murder a fetus. Many groups and cultures oppose induced abortion in a great deal, with some such as the religious groups opposing it completely. Other states and governments however authorize abortion that is induced through the different laid down procedures. John Noonan adopted strategies that concurred with the religious perspective on the abortion. Even if an argument can be seen to be common with religious views, giving clear precedent to such case would give a reason for believing it.

It is believed and evident that an abortion brings complications to the mothers, and some are even fatal. It is not a must that a person attach to religious beliefs in order to understand this. There are millions of abortions being undertaken annually all over the world with thousands of complications and deaths arising from the same. Such difficulties could be reduced or even struck of only if people were willing to keep and play safe in their sexual life. Taking ourselves out of any religious or cultural teachings and beliefs, the difficulties that come up and the figures of deaths reported because of abortion should be enough reason for opposing abortion.

A non-Christian humanist all the same takes to oppose abortion with the argument of the beginning of being of the conceived human. These people argue that it is difficult to distinguish between humanity and non-humanity after conception as Noonan puts it. Now and then people rise and others fight for their rights. The weak gets support from humanists and civil organizations, which make sure the rights of the minority, are not abused or breached. Murder is one of the most serious criminal offences under law, and the relatives of the victims will always ensure that justice is served no matter who undertook the action. Just as the conceived “humans”, they should also be subjected to rights and defended by humanists same as the religions.

Even for those who are not pro-abortion, however, the termination of pregnancy at some instances can be acceptable or excusable to them to an extent. As brought out clearly in Noonan, women may contemplate abortions for different reasons. Pregnancies may come with or pose a risk at a woman’s life with serious complications that can only be controlled or be treated if only the pregnancy is relieved. Such situations could make the physician-in-charge to request for the termination of a pregnancy before the laws and from the concerned parties. Another rare instance is the case where a woman conceives from rape. This situation is unique because the practitioner who offers post-rape care ought to have controlled a conception from the scenario and Thompson explains this well in her work.

Abortion in any case should be disallowed with the exception of when the condition brings risk to the mother bearing the pregnancy as confirmed by an approved physician. For instance, if abortion is fully criminalized, however, in the case where a mother’s life is at stake, we may end up losing both lives. The life of a fetus can only be given off if it is of moral significance. The case of rape is however complicated as there are always different criteria available to establish if one could get pregnant or if there is any complication coming up from the rape scenario.

Other than waiting to conceive, there are different ways in which unwanted or unplanned pregnancies can be prevented and controlled. There are forms of contraception and prophylaxis that can be implemented. Same way, it is complex in a situation whereby abortion is opposed, and the use of contraceptives is also not allowed. This is a religious stand in most cases where everything is treated to be immoral. 

Therefore, it is important that in the cases where abortion is not allowed, as it may be considered inhuman or immoral, there be options for individuals to control such instances. Abortion should never be allowed in cases where one opts for it as an individual choice. If one can make a personal choice to secure an abortion, the she is also able to take that decision in order not to get pregnant. And as Thompson puts it, no one has a right to kill a child, and that an abortion should not result to killing. She further puts it out that abortion should not be as a result of a choice.



            Noonan, J. T. (1970).An Almost Absolute Value in History.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press

            Thompson, J. (1971). A Defense of Abortion.Philosophy and Public Affairs 1:1.


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