SlimJet, RockErect

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Special Instructions

Submitted by: Private 
Special Instruction:

1) Preable ((Something about the problem and product will help in your problem.)) 150 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 2) How does SlimJet Works? 250 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph 3) Ingredients of SlimJet 250 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 4) Customers Reviews about SlimJet (( 3 reviews by customers after using this product (positive reviews without negative))) 350 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph 5) Instruction of using SlimJet 200 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 6) Price of SlimJet 100 words 7) Where you can buy SlimJet ((The meaning of Paragraph is that the product in pharmacies is not for sale, and since there are many fakes, the product must be bought only in the official site.)) 200 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph Link on landing: 15 times using SlimJet at whole text /////////////////////////// 1) Preable ((Something about the problem and product will help in your problem.)) 150 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 2) How does RockErect Works? 250 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph 3) Ingredients of RockErect 250 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 4) Customers Reviews about RockErect (( 3 reviews by customers after using this product (positive reviews without negative))) 350 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph 5) Instruction of using RockErect 200 words Pls: Use 1 time name of product at this paragraph 6) Price of RockErect 100 words 7) Where you can buy RockErect ((The meaning of Paragraph is that the product in pharmacies is not for sale, and since there are many fakes, the product must be bought only in the official site.)) 200 words Pls: Use 2 times name of product at this paragraph Link on landing: 15 times using RockErect at whole text


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