Learning Outcome on Leadership Ethics Influencing an Organization

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Learning Outcome

Leadership ethics go far in influencing an organization and giving direction that would ultimately bring benefits. Employees look up to the leader for guidance and support on their operations and leadership that outstands will ensure that employees give their best and commit to the organizational tasks (Curtis & Manning, 2015). This session explored leadership ethics and organizational values, and their benefits to the leadership, organization, and employees. Different forms of leadership influence groups led differently, with ethical leadership getting respect and trust of workers to get the best out of them.

Every effective leader has inherent qualities that would see an organization and the people realize higher performance out of the efforts.  Effective leadership behavior and values encourage employees to be more productive and commit to seeing their organization excel. According to Curtis & Manning (2015), a leader that shows good morals within organizations easily wins influence over employees and directs duties effectively. If a leader cannot be of good morals, then the workers also lose trust. The knowledge I gained during the week has given me understanding of the importance of ethics and ethical leadership within organizations, and how leadership authority and empowerment behavior result in productivity.

I can confidently adjust my leadership body to conform to the current demands for the success of the institution lead through positive influence and ethics. As a lecturer, I can articulately guide students in their mission to understand the concepts of leadership ethics and authority to transform their leadership that would benefit organizations. There was great success, and minimal challenges in the manner of the course presentation and during discussions, and the materials for use in the session (Curtis & Manning, 2015) were available.


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