Managing human behavior in Healthcare
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The organization experience frequent significant managerial trouble in managing performance. Concerning the issue, the leader failed in balancing goals, manage workloads, and motivate employees. The challenge arose because the manager was ill-equipped in providing regular and constructive feedback and could not understand the need for documenting performance made managing performance a challenge.
From the leadership point of view, I could manage this challenge by building a continuing performance assessment into the performance management procedure to ensure accountability. I could create for the organization an easy method like diaries, database, and log for any leader to document achievement management. I would also offer support tools for leaders in different units like rewarding, recognizing, and training to acknowledge and shape performance. Equally important, I would initiate in-service training for all leaders, including the leaders of respective units, to endow them with knowledge in performance management, coaching, and response because many leaders lack experience in these areas.
Specifically, I would capitalize on two strategies to manage and ultimately correct these matters. The first strategy would be clearly defining and communicating organizational goals and accomplishment objectives because it is difficult for employees to meet my expectations or organizational goals if goals are not clear. It is also good to note that many leaders lack clarity when outlining their objectives, and employees might not ask follow-up enquires when they face confusion about something that is not clear. As a leader, I would preempt the pitfall by regular and clear communication. I would make use of goal-tracking software in defining and outlining the organizational goals, send out emails, dispense flyers in various offices, hold meetings with employees, or do any of these activities in turn. When I am outlining the organizational objectives, I would repeat the message as an effort to make it sink and use visuals like an office chart to give the employees a reference.
The second strategy I would employ in fostering performance management is to use peer reviews, which many organizations refer to as 360-degree reviews. The fact that most management programs that measure performance have this feature is an extra advantage of this strategy. Concerning peer reviews, I would allow my employees to praise their coworkers and underscore positive facet of their conducts, and highlight where they need to improve. Such activities would enhance the teamwork environment, improve communication, and provide opportunities for self-assessment while observing others. The strength of this strategy is that it does not require the leader of the organization to oversee the process. Additionally, I would read the entire peer reviews to notice and address the claims, praises, and concerns.
Within my organization, I would work to maintain a 'positive face' to the outside world by touting and creating awareness about our creativity and innovations, which would help us gain the desired impact on our effectiveness. That would attract attention, and potential business collaborates as well as investors. I would communicate regularly to the public through feature news articles, periodical public appearances, and free presentations. That would create a positive perception in the public domain and enhance our overall effectiveness by demonstrating our ongoing organizational success.
On the same issue about the ‘face’ of the organization, a leader might damage the image of an agency if the leader has a bad public relation. While good public relations establish mutually healthy relationships between the public and the organization, a leader’s bad public relations can negatively affect the success of an organization because the modern era allows most clients to choose from numerous options available in the market. Therefore, leaders with bad publicity like questionable integrity issues can make an organization lose its customers to competitors.