Learning Outcome Assignment
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Assignment four
Through assignment 1, 2 and 3, I have gained a combination of processes that I can use in obtaining data, categorizing information, storing data, searching information, and sharing knowledge in my daily activities in my profession where I work as a lecturer in a college. I have realized how significant these processes are in supporting all my daily activities. In my profession, am a knowledge worker by profession and therefore I need to be accountable for my growth and learning. The knowledge and skills gained through assignment 1, 2 and 3 have enabled me to experience personal growth (Dominici, 2012).
I have developed reflection skill as a lecturer, which has enabled me to improve on how I operate as an individual towards my students and colleagues. I shall therefore continuously improve in my daily activities, which involve all the employees (Conole & Culver, 2010). I shall manage better, when and how I should learn and this will extend to my students as a skill. After handling assignment on multivariate analysis techniques and reviewing articles on knowledge management, I have gained the skill of information literacy. As a lecturer, I shall be able to select better only important information when preparing my lectures as well as knowing how to search for unknown information (Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2011).
Am now more organized in my teaching career as I can maintain a better personal library, categorize important information as I prepare for my lectures, which I regard as science of classification skill. I feel at a better position now to network with other lecturers and share what I know and what others know. This will help me to acquire additional knowledge. I gained this after understanding what knowledge management entails (Cole, 2012).
I have learned to research for unknown information, be attentive as I interact with people or documented information, and observe events and responses of research participants as well as skills in cultural anthropology. My communication skills are now better as the research on the assignments have improved my perception, intuition and interpretation of data into useful information through multivariate analysis techniques (Doan & Halevy, 2011).