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Selecting the type of topic for a research paper is one of the important stages in the work of any academic writer. More to the point, it determines the nature and the extent of analysis of the research and writing stages of the study. Selecting a good research paper topic can be easy but requires understanding what criteria should be used, as well as ways in which the options can be refined.
Selecting the topic for research paper is relevant because it defines the paper’s significance, its potential, and it’s done ability. Another criterion to consider is developing a topic that would be engaging for the researcher for a long time with foreseeable motivation changes. Also, it must provide solutions to existing problems or present findings that are not already available in the literature.
Various factors can be of assistance in choosing the research paper topic. First, the topic should contain just one issue, one question, or one problem only, if possible. General themes are often challenging to cover, and the scope of the study has to be limited substantially when writing a single paper. For instance, instead of deciding on a topic such as “climate change,” an individual can decide on “consequences of climate change on coastal environment.” This makes the topic more specific, hence, easier to delve deeper in researching.
Second, the topic should be researchable or best explored in terms of its viability to accommodate the option of the writer to conduct proper research without much difficulty. This is that implies that there should always be adequate sources and data to feed the research process. This can be as simple as searching the Internet or other databases in an attempt to find existing academic papers, books, and so on that relate to the proposed theme. This step will guarantee that the researcher will have compile all the information he or she will need to build a reasonable argument.
Third, the topic should be pertinent, meaning it should be important to the subject or area of study. Ideally, it should focus on the contemporary issues or topics that some way or the other are still under discussion in the field of studying; the subject has to be appealing to both the researcher and the general public. Another measure that can be used is the application possibilities – how useful the conclusions of the study are in reality.
When approaching the stage of choosing the research paper topics, students can follow some guidelines to be more precise, the student needs to bear in mind several tips. It takes a list of potential topics depending on one’s interests, topics learnt in class and current events in the area of specialization. Sharing the ideas with the fellow students, professors, or advisors may turn helpful to receive feedback and define the topic more clearly. Moreover, the current academic journals are useful for emphasizing the trendy issues appearing in the recent time and the areas of interest can be determined based on the conferences attended.
Therefore, selection of paper topics is a very critical area in the writing process since it has direct influence on the whole research paper. A good topic should define a specific question or issue that can be investigated. First, more and more students know the rough idea of what they would like to focus on and what is interesting for them at the moment, second, by asking for the feedback they can choose more important and significant topics for academic purposes. Such a meticulous choice ensures the formation of a proper and relevant research paper structure.