Project Management of International Lighting Company and Organizational Structure

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Chief Executive




ICT Dept.

Production dept.

HRM dept.

Marketing dept.


Finance dept.








The above figure is a functional structure of international lighting company (ILC) diagram representation. This type of structure reflects the different functions present within organisations. Thus the marketing, finance, ICT, production and HRM specialties each have their own sub organisation which is (usually) represented at board level. The size of each department varies according to business needs this is according to Acosta (2004). For example, most lighting and power organisations have a large production department compared to the size of other functions. Some organisations merge sales and marketing. The general point is that such a structure allows employees with specialist skills to deploy these to their best abilities. Functional organisational structures work best when the organisation or business unit is self-contained, such as a small company or an autonomous unit, such as a subsidiary company.



Christensen & Barr (2009).  the information communication department is one of the core departments in the International lighting company and they are responsible for ICT Infrastructure, e-navigation and data services, policy and strategy, information and communication handling, solutions design  integration and development, security, support and automated monitoring of power using ICT systems. This kind of technology alone has an internal dynamic which dictates how work is done (that technology in work is so powerful that is beyond human control and is not influenced by human factors, for example technological change generates more technological change, and organizations are forced to use new technologies as a result of competitive reasons).


The International Lighting Company production company is particularly committed to providing high quality customer service by efficiently transmitting and distributing high quality electricity that is safe, adequate and reliable at cost effective tariffs.  They also produce products that have a long Lasting series, which are of good qualities, such a slight strength, and quality, which is far superior to their competitors’models. International Lighting Company production department is also responsible for the sale of products from theLong lasting series because of their extended lifetime, which considerably increase the periods between renewals this is according to Hoboken (2009).


The HRM department in the International Lighting Company is responsible for the various activities in the company of which they include resourcing, training of employees, health and safety of employees within and without the organisation, internal communication, employee relations, orientation, recruiting and management of resources in the organisation.


The marketing department is responsible for the advertisement of goods and services offered by the international Lighting Company and follows up on how customers and other consumer think or want from the company, it also responsible for the public relation handling of the company.


The international Lighting Company Finance department is responsible for the management of funds in the organisation. It supplies or funds other departments for projects and staffs for salaries.


Outline for presentation to the International Lighting Company management

According Scott (2008) project presentation can be done by:

Preparation and physical presentation

At this point all that one needs to present to the management is gathered and linked to make a body. On preparation there is also the personal groom before presenting oneself to the panel or management.


According to Cleland & Ireland, (2008) explanation of why the project has to be done, it aims and objective and also the benefits it may bring to the organisation, how it will run and what will be needed to make the project be up and running at a cost effective budget. For instance, the main objective and need of this project is to develop an automated equipment repair and maintenance system for International Lighting Company. The specific objects are

  1. To automate equipment repair and maintenance record capturing and storage.

This will be made possible by the use of customised sophisticated software’s and machines that have the intelligence to monitor and raise alarm in case a problem occurs. The system will also have the ability to record and capture data and information and automatically back them up in servers and other distributed systems.

  1. To enrich data security.

The enriched data security will be made possible by the installation of firewalls, traffic padding software’s and registration to the authorization authorities that ensure proper security for data and information within and without the organisation.

  1. To augment analysis and reporting.

This is where reports will be generated and filled to keep track of all that has happened in the company, its systems, and also management

Technical content

According Scott (2008) this is where the problem statements and every detail of the projects are discussed and analysed in detail by the management

Visual presentation

According Juana. (2012). visual presentation is equally important as the technical contents. This is where one tends to add beauty to good technical data and information to make it more appealing and easily understood by the management. Interestingly, slide that can achieve that more appealing and with proper content that make the management curious to know more about the projects, the layouts of text are made visible and simple to be easily read. This will make the presentation well equipped and easy to know what exactly is being worked on and what should be expected from the project itself.

Tools: Power point

According to Wayembi, (2002). This software that is used for predations and like most preferred since it has the ability create more appealing presentations


In the summary repeat the most important contents that are vital to the project and state their importance to the company again.


According to Tusubira & Nora, (2001). the critical components of the presentation are the core things that need to be done to achieve the primary objectives, goals and mission of the project. This are represented in the content which allows the management know the project in deep details and even how they can support it all through its life cycle.

Kick of plan

First phase has been cleared or almost complete a dry run is done to establish, detect and correct the maters that might have arisen during the run or testing this is according to Laudon & Laudon (2000).

Chief Engineer


Program developers

System analysts

Stakeholders and Management

Organisational structure







System analyst report to the program developers that they are the ones to analyze the system and inform them what can be done or what has to be done in the project of the International Lighting Company (ILC)

According to Kendall & Kendall (1996), program Developers report to the architect for them to know what they have to work with. To understand the systems to be used for the project and how they will be design to meet the user needs

The chief Engineer give the strategy of what is expectected from the whole team as discussed by the management and the stake holders. Report to the management and stake holders of the company this is according to Jacobsen (2008).

Budget outline and Needs (Same us the previous budget)





















ACWP =$20,000


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