Literature Review of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Tragedy
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Literature is a wide field of study, involving several writing styles and covers most areas of life. Different writers adopt different writing styles, covering different areas, analysing and comparing different skills in reference to topics and styles assumed is common. In this thesis I shall discuss the authors in focus including, Mark Twain in his two books; Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson, Herman Melville in Billy Budd, Sailor, and the last Author, Henry James in the book Daisy Miller. The paper will analyze different topics that are put into consideration.
Nationalism is the strong feeling of loyalty that people have towards their countries or nations even the society they belong. Religion, cultural practices, and social activities are major factors that bind loyal people together. In the book Daisy Miller Henry portrayed nationality when he stated ”According to Randolph, New York, his home town is always the best city by far compared to many European cities in many aspects”(James Henry). Loyal people always have feeling that their nation deserves top ranging, its superior compared to others and provides the best opportunities to her people. Nationality also describes how people react to life, people’s perception about others whom they differ in many aspects; language, colour, nationality and gender. “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a satirical book that exhibit racism “(Twain Mark). The book was set up in the society of a Southern antebellum in Mississippi. People in this society distanced themselves in line with their skin colour, white verses Blacks. White people saw themselves superior to their counterpart black skinned people. Mark Twain was even criticised for using a stereotype name ‘Nigger’ in his story, the word that was believed to be abusive on racial line.
This article will also look so much into both negative and positive sides of Nationalism. On a positive note; People from different social classes can unite in a society through nationalism. This enhances peace in the society, since the population gets identity of one nation. After the Second World War, some kings applied Nationalism to rebuild the world Wheelwright, (2005). “Churchill and Roosevelt united their nations through Nationalism, while on the other hand Hitler and Mussolini used Nationalism as a tool to descend their doctorial system to the people”. Nationalism sometimes affects life in terms of social justices and how people value human rights. In their articles, both writers; Mark Twain, Herman Melville and Henry James portrays social injustices affecting the society. Robbery and Madder is most common human right violation act. In the story Adventures of Huckleberry, we see Huck joining thugs who taught him robbery skills. Several madder cases are portrayed at large. “Jim came across a dead man’s body on the floor with a bullet wound” (Twain Mark). In addition, to make matters worse, Huck realized later that there was plan to be murdered. Jim escaped making him a prime suspect. This was a clear indication how the society was ill with all sorts of disrespect to human rights. People plotting to kill each others left and right and others just run away with people’s blood in their hands. Mark Twain continues to expose a rotten side of the society, in the The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson “Tom robed an innocent uncle of his” (Twain Mark). He easily complicated the case by having one of the Italian twin blamed for the murder.
The American Identity
Any national identity comes hand in hand with Nationalism; people have to identify themselves with a certain nation to have an identity that binds them together. Patriotism, National Anthem, language, constitution, freedom fighting, and national unity are some of the factors that could bring about the national identity. Mark Twain, Harman Melville and Henry James brought out the idea of American identity and Italian Identity. For now let’s focus on the American Identity. According to Michael Jay Friedman, in his article, American Identity: Ideas, Not Ethnicity,” Since the beginning of America as a nation, Americans recognize themselves by individual freedom not in line of race, religion or ethnical background” (Par 1). Americans have formed a culture of respecting each person’s freedom, whether political, religion or even social. Every person is free to whatever he/she wishes to do, as long as it is not against the law.” Huckleberry Finn as a character portrayed the mutual interrelation between white and black people as well as believes in the United States” (Twain, 1985). For those who were unlucky like Jim, a slave to Miss Watson, he plans to run away from his owner just to exercise his freedom.”In order for him to buy his enslaved family’s freedom Jim had to escape from slavery, and settle in Illinois” (Twain, 1985).
In both books, Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, the Tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson and Billy Budd, Soilor in which focused on American life. Authors do not mention or group characters in line of religion. Being America where all people have equal rights, irrespective of skin colour, racial differences arose in some instances. First Mark Twain was criticised of talking about racism in the Adventure of Huckleberry. “The book is a satire on the attitudes especially racism” (Twain, 1985). At one point the author was also criticised for using a racial stereotype word “Nigger” in most of his writings, raising the eyebrows among black and white readers. In America racial line has a harsh history, since the times of slave trade, when black people suffered in the hands of Whiteman. They were seen as inferior, who did not disserve equal rights as Whites. Since then any idea that tries to identify people, as either Black or white is not treated lightly. Another clear evidence of racial difference and how it affects American people, is exhibited in the story Pudd n Head Wilson, Twain, (1985) stated that “Tom Driscoll having risen as a slave in a white community, he still not comfortable staying amongst them”. Even in some instances white people have always excluded themselves from the company of their black counterparts.
It is evident that America still suffers from this issue up to now. President Barack Obama being a black man has faced several challenges as a leader. During his political time, especially in presidential campaign, one of the competitors Donald Trump was quoted in his rally trying to degrade Barack’s leadership capability in racial line. The issue has never been for the common person, but it cuts across skin colour difference. Mark Twain still exhibits the challenge facing the American identity when he brought out Slavery.”To cut down people’s suspicion, Jim had to act as a slave who had been recaptured...they again letter called him Sick Arab” (Twain, 1985). From this reference, the author portrays the society as a slave condoling place. People are being traded as item and more so slavery is associated with Arabs. Twain again exhibits cases of slavery in the Billy Budd Harman story. The judicial system was accused on how it handled the slavery issue, and at one point ,”Lempel Shaw a renown Chief justice was criticised in the way he handled the slave laws” (Twain, 1924).
In the United States of America most people values human rights more than anything else, talk of religion, political or even education, an individual’s rights are treated with a lot of considerations. “The United States is famous for freedom and democratic rights” (American Identities, 2011). This tradition and believe has contributed to the growth of America. Each day, there are inventions in line with technology, science, sports political and almost all departments. Americans are free to do whatever they feel is right, and people get no interference in exploring their potentials and talents. That is why America will remain the superpower in many aspects for a long time. Internationally America is playing a major role of a role model to many developing countries, despite of it being a young country compared to many old and undeveloped countries. To be specific, other nations always look up to America in many aspects, even financially; America is the sole provider of many third world countries. This has been achieved mostly because of American culture that all people have equal rights to access good life. Most of donors are just philanthropists, who assist others with no intension of making any profits.
In sports, we have seen the way Americans express real love to their country, whether they win or lose, they still treasure the fact that they are representing their nation at International level. The spirit of hard work and making today’s life better than yesterdays has been the key to American success. According to the article what is the America’s Identity. Americans are bound together by the common culture of building their nation, and them being recognized as real Americans.”American identity is built from pulling together strengths from different religion and racial background, with a common aim of building America…, perseverance and freedom and handwork are the key tools used to better Americans lives”. Americans strive to make them happy, they believe in a jovial nation, free from any sort of violence that could affect their human rights.
The quest of American Dream
Every country always have a long term goal to achieve, this is leaders future plans for their countries. Some give their vision in timeline of fifty years others less, while others more years. America as a country has had its vision since 1950s .the nation had a dream of growing economically, in education sector, socially and politically. Hard work was the major concern of the leaders, for America to see her dreams. So far, I can comfortably say that as a nation Americans have performed a recommendable job. Democracy is clear evidence, which is incomparable to any country in the current world. Many countries value Americas political processes as a good example to follow, irregularities are not common practices in America’s elections, after every elections, losers and winners work together to safeguard the common interest of Americans, of better world to live in. For instance John Kerry former presidential candidate, he still works for the American Government. Many people from different nationality have dreams of one day living in the United States of America; they believe that this is the land of opportunities, and good life. Thanks to the Americans for working so hard to reach where they are.
According to the dream, every American “all men were created equal, and they have equal rights to live happy,” life was intended to be full of fun, richer for all Americans regardless of the social status, level or powers. Those who are disadvantaged in social line should be assisted and it was everyone’s responsibility to boost their fellows self esteem. Children should get access to good education and prosper in their respective career of choice. Religion, ethnic backgrounds and social status should not pose as a challenge to any child’s education. In this Article, authors in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The tragedy of Pudd’nhead Wilson and Billy Budd, sailor, portrayed American dream of Education in young people in contrast manner. First let’s talk about Adventures of Huckleberry, young generation contradicted with the American dream. Parents did not value education most; they left their kids to get involved in criminal acts, robbery, and murder and to some extent becoming fugitives. They Run away from the society to avoid punishment for their actions. Pap, Huck’s father indulged himself in drinking too much that he did not realize that his son was associating with bad company, “Tom Sawyer helped Huck to escape and meet up with his robbery gang” (Twin, 1985). While his age mates were in class, studying to achieve the Americans dreams, Huck and his friend Tom were out there doing what was otherwise against the law. Hucks’ behaviours later escalated to the extent of him becoming a murderer. Jim on the other hand had a poor education background; he was a slave for Miss Watson and even at one point, ran away when he heard that she was planning to sell him to a brutal man. As a slave, he never had an opportunity to get good education like other Young American people. Other authors also talked about American dream, but on a different point. Herman Melville in his Novel Billy Budd, Sailor, portrayed the brighter side of young American who is achieving his career. “Billy Budd was working with the British Royal Force”Meville, H (1924). This was a young focused man, with great future to live. He got a chance to go to school, learned well, and he was proudly serving his nation.
Individualism is a living system in which people believe in personal efforts and contributions to the development of a nation. This philosophy puts individual interests first before looking into other contributors. Each individual is expected to achieve his or her own goals before they are generalized, and combined to have it as a national development. Individualism does not advocate group or state achievements, rather the interest of each person matters. In America, individualism has a history and in fact some writers reckoned “America as a country was built on foundation of individualism” (Jacobo, 2012). The philosophy of individualism coupled with freedom has resulted to such huge step in American development. Individualism encourages competition among the people which has a positive implication to National development. Individualism encouraged many immigrants entering the United States. Investors, entrepreneurs, tourists and many other parties interested in money making business have inflexed into the land of opportunity as it is referred. This has resulted to diverse cultural differences, since people from all corners of the world come to America. Whereas other continents like Europe were Static,” America was viewed as the land of opportunities, where individuals at their own time, pace interest and hard work could earn a good living, and contribute to national development as well” (Jacobo, 2012). This could improve the quality of living standards. Americans learned to benefit from this virtue of independence, and for those who do not abuse their freedom, they have really benefited from it. They have developed themselves and the nation as well. The story Adventures of Huckleberry Finn highlighted how some Americans abuse their rights of individualism. Huck for instance, despite of him taking individual initiative to do some reasonable things in his life, he resorted to work with wrong company, self- claimed robbers, Murderers and involving himself in all sort of activities that a young man of his age should not be doing. With his friend Jim, they are not settled at all, always on transit moving from one city to another, exposing themselves to all sorts of danger. From my opinion, these young people deserved juvenile justice, or rather taken to rehabilitation. They were wasting their potentials for nothing; they could have been useful people in the society. Another character who portrayed the poor utilization of freedom in the Land of opportunity was Pap-the father to Huck.This was evidenced when he does not take control of his family. First he is a divorced man, this means in one way or another he failed as a husband, not being able to stay with his wife or saving his marriage. Secondly, failure was his irresponsible drinking habits. He overindulges himself in a lot of alcohol to the extent of not being able to handle his son when he started his bad character. I found him failing again at this point as a father. He lost his son to the brutal world to teach him lessons, which he learned through hard way. Generally, in USA a large number of people do not misuse their times, and they are much focused on what they are doing so as to deliver to the societies and their families as well.
Mans Relation to Environment
Environment include all the surroundings, fellow citizens, climatic conditions, technological changes, scientific research, findings and other developments that contribute to someone’s environment. Every individual should understand his or her surroundings for him to interact and live well and become productive for the development of the society or an individual. Religion, racial as well as Educational differences are some of the factors that need one to cope up with in order survive in a society. At some point, some factors tend to be harsh to some people for them to survive leading them to quit and search for another environment where they can survive. In the case of racial differences, some people tend to feel they have more rights to live good life than others. In such instances two different people could find it hard to survive unless one has to learn how the other performs his activities. Mark Twain in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck finds it really hard to take himself equal to his close friend Jim, simply because of skin difference.”Huck is really troubled with the fact that he has to apologize to Jim (a black man)”.
Both writers’ portrays societies that are less concerned with agriculture. No great value is given to the available natural resource. Although authors did not give clear picture of their climatic conditions, but let’s look into each one of them. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “Huck spends much of his time under the guidance of Widow Douglas ND Miss Watson being taught religion” (Twain, Mark, 1985). The two ladies try to civilize this young man. The family do not have any agricultural background. He later ran away and ends up spending most of the time moving from one place to another.
There are different literatures writing skills adopted by both authors (Mark twain, Herman Melville, and Henry James), In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn story, Mark Twain. Mentioned the Use of Play, “The Royal Nonesuch”, by swindlers to pass across information. It was also used for entertainment purpose. Herman Melville on the other hand acknowledged the use of other media in Billy Budd, Sailor story.
The first was the use of staged plays. In the year 1951, Louis O. Coxe and Robert Chapman’s each acted a live performance play on Billy Budd in 1951 and 1949 respectively. The play was meant to reach more people who did not read the book or who otherwise read it but wanted to watch it live. Again in same year1951, the metropolitan Opera house based in New York, was the usual venue for several live plays on the same story.
The use of Film production. To have large coverage and views, Peter Ustinov produced a movie in 1962, Made in black and white which were based on Billy Buddy story.
Television. In 1955, William Shatner, Douglas Campbell and Basil Rathbone presented a live television cast presented by General Motors Theatre. The use of these three media transmission increased the audience and in the end the message reached thousands of people.
Henry James in the story Daisy Miller exercised his literature skills when he used symbolic names in his story. The names of the characters are symbol of an existing item, and they are used to tell the story and sometimes the role of the character in focus. “Daisy is a name of a blossomed flower”. Daisy was really beautiful, her face shone just like a rose flower in the early morning. Significantly the life of Daisy in the story ended just like a flower. Most flowers die off during winter, the same happened to Daisy when during winter period, she was attacked by Roman Malaria and passed on in a very short span of time. The symbolic technique in literature is basically used to bring comparisons in the story; it helps a reader to predict what might happen at later stage of the story.
Other styles used by the three authors include the use of fictional stories. First The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was a fiction story in St. Petersburg, Missouri, the story taken from the town of Hannibal, Missouri. Fictional stories put in the real world scenarios assist readers to understand easily. This reduces complexity in the story; the story is made to reflect the current society the reader lives in.
Authors in focus have partially exhibited slight difference in their style of writing, but in most cases the style and set up closely relate. First of all Mark twain stories touches mostly the negative sides of life. Huck, his family and his friends went through very tough lifestyle. They went through social life challenges, for instance, despite Huck being enslaved by Miss Watson, he flew away in search of his freedom, which he ended up not having. At the first place, He was uncivilized, non-Christian; Miss Watson was determined to take care of all these. However, the poor buy still run away from this great opportunity, ending up languishing in the world of violence. His father on the other side had already started poverty life. In the entire family no one was the role model, everyone lacked morals and was in need of saviour.
The similarity is raised in almost all stories in several aspects. Both writers covered slavery and social injustices. Black people were being enslaved, for labour purpose. For instance in the Adventure of Huck was enslaved by Miss Watson, though with the positive motive of civilizing and teaching him about Christianity, but slavery remains slavery. As long as you are a slave, your freedom is limited, and in the hands of his owner.
Slavery is also portrayed in another Mark Twain’s story Pudd'nhead Wilson through character Roxana, “Percy Driscoll was the owner Rox as a slave”Twain, Mark (1925). She was only released after Percy died. Despite Rox appearing as a white, deeply rooted racism puts her in a very compromising situation, she is considered to be a black, which subjected her to slavery. The author also described the high degree in racial line when she struggled to upgrade the identity of her son to upper class upbringing by changing the identities. Another twisting story on slavery surrounded Tom the son to Rox when he was sold down the river just because he was black. His mother was very devastated on realization that her son was being exchanged like a property. She was very worried of losing a son to a brutal owner, who does not even understand the pain of giving birth and raising a child.
Criticism was another area that raised concern among Authors, both authors faced a lot of criticism, in particular Mark Twain in the story the adventure of Huckleberry Fin was criticized for articulating Racism when he used the term “Nigger”.
While Daisy Miller was criticized as well, allegation that his story brought anger on American child instead of bringing harmony was massive. Herman Melville was another Author who faced a lot of criticism in his book Billy Budd. “Raymond Weaver, the renown editor condemned the book of not being distinguished” Melville Herman (1924). Herman Melville did not receive these critics with a kind heart, he was a famous Author and he could not expect any negative response to his work anyhow. Due to many years of experience in the field he trusted his work, and believed in himself. He could not accept this anymore, and even at one time, when he was launching another book in 1928, Shorter Novels of Herman Melville, he counter reacted to the critics, hailed himself, and claimed that, “Billy Buddy was the ways of God to man.” On a positive note some critics appeared to praise Billy Budd’s work, Thomas J. Scoza commended that Billy Budd was a historical Novel, which explained the relationship between Man and his creator(God).
In conclusion human society is a very technical setup which really needs to develop and maximize its potential. Critical analysis has seen both individualism and community based societies, either prosper or fail in the developments. Leaders and policy makers play a big role in the development of the society. Areas like democracy, freedom, human rights , education, ethnicity differences, and foreign relations determines if a nation is on the track or off track towards reaching its short and long term goals. Literature also plays a big role in this, by educating the public, sensitizing the society and providing moral support to young generation. Authors can achieve all these by writing and publishing literature materials concerning certain areas in the society. In schools students should be a major target for authors, because by educating young ones, a society saws a healthy seed for better and productive nation in future. Different styles have been applied to pass across messages, scary stories, motivational and tales based on true stories. Pear group influence is a great threat to the young ones. Their minds are always not fully developed, and they end up taking up some decisions basing on their friends influence. In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The author pointed out that Huck was having problems in making his own decisions.” he makes moral choices that could not destroy his friendship with Jim” Huck does not even know himself. He is a clear example of a wasted young American. The Author needed to focus more on how such individuals could be assisted, although America is an Individual country, the nation should put in place measures to cub occurrences of such lifestyle.