Personal Statement
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At, Personal Mission statements are popular form of writings. Mission statement are not intended to be just read but they are meant to be the source of direction. Personal mission statements give direction from how the company operates to its relationship with the third party. In the mission statement the company will also explain it’s reason for existence. Though personal mission statement is different from a company or an institution they share fundamental principal. In writing of a personal mission statement a person gets the opportunity to make and stick to important decisions in life. It also gives one the directions to follow when in a dilemma or crossroad in a career.
To be successful in life or career is what we always work for, everything we do each day is aimed for success. It has been said that success cannot be only measured by achievements but also the rate of the achievement matters. It is therefore important that one has a plan or guiding principles on how do things. These principles will be found in a personal mission statement. In order to develop a good personal mission statement then the following needs to be put into consideration. The first step when developing this statement is to evaluate your past. In this evaluation try to identify areas you excelled which could be in the workplace, in the community or at home then write them down and also see if they have a common theme. The next step is the development of core values which is a list containing attributes that are unique and identifies you as a person. These attributes in a personal mission statement should also define your priorities. Once you have come up with this list it is important to narrow it down to the most significant entries.
The third most important step is to identify contributions. In this area you need to list ways you can create changes if given a chance in an ideal situation. These changes could be in the country, family, work place, community etc. The fourth step is to identify your goals, in this area think of your purpose in life and the thing you need to achieve. Finally, based on these four steps and a good understanding of your personality you can write the personal mission statement.
In the journey of life one is faced with several crossroads where one sometimes is forced to make important decisions. Having a well drafted personal mission statement is therefore important. One importance of a personal mission statement is that it helps one to visualize what he or she needs to achieve in life. By writing of personal statement people who are highly effective are able to get inspiration. It has always been said that ``in life things are created twice first mentally then physically.’’ When writing a personal mission statement sometimes we ask ourselves whether we really need it but the fact is that every person knows his or her purpose in this life and by writing the personal mission statement we detect our purpose and align it in a good manner and in doing this we bring satisfaction to ourselves. In writing of the personal mission statement one is able to put together rules and regulations similar to a country’s constitution that should be abided to and this provides the boundaries for your activities. Finally, to be effective a personal mission statement should not be written once and kept but it should be read and revised regularly. In writing the personal mission statement it is important that one is as honest as possible.