Sponsoring Olympic Games

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Coca Cola Sponsoring Olympic

Coca cola is a worldwide Olympic partner that has sponsored the Olympic events since 1928, being a committed partner to Olympic Games sponsoring major events and activities. Coca cola is a company producing soft drinks. The company gets the opportunity to showcase the range of brands it offers so as to sell to the attendees of the games, both Paralympic and Olympic. Since the soft drinks will rather get preferred during summer than the winter, Coca-Cola would sponsor the Olympics during the summer so as also to make sales out of the event.

The Coca-Cola Company sponsors whole events of the Olympic Games for the 204 national Olympic Games Committees other than one country. It has different initiatives incorporated in the Olympic events that encourage the practices and the games. It encourages active and healthy lifestyle and claim to help people achieve a balanced diet during the events. The Coca-Cola sponsorship is in goods and services. It offers free soft drinks to the participants of the Olympic Games and promoting the tickets. In some events, the company purchases the tickets and uses them for promotional services to create awareness to people. It brings the feeling of the Olympic events to the fans around the globe.

Coca-Cola is the dominant partner of the Olympic Games, engaging in the organization of events and exploring innovations likely to improve the game experience. Its scope in, and the longest sponsorship in Olympic Movement place it best in sponsoring any global Olympic event. It can expand its activities to cover more, not just the services and products. In any case the Olympic Movement have constraints at any point accepting the major partner should be able to design solutions and plans necessary to avert the constraints. Olympic should take up the planner and the awareness campaigns to create awareness about the events both locally and internationally.


From: Secretariat

To: Chairman, Olympic Committee

RE: Olympic Games Sponsorship

I would like to inform you about profiling of possible partners and sponsors for the Olympic Games events and proper scrutiny of their interests and commitment to the Olympics conducted. The Coca-Cola Company is fit and therefore chosen as a sponsor for major Olympic events. Coca-Cola has shown commitment to the Olympic mission for the past over 85 years. Here is the role of the company, that it will undertake and that which it has undertaken.

Previous Role Played by Coca-Cola

The Coca-Cola has been sponsoring the world Olympic events since 1928. The Company is a global Olympic Mission Partner over the past over 80 years. It has been a primary sponsor in some recent major Olympic events such as The London Olympic, (2012). It has been offering promotion of the Olympic events both at the local host and globally using its products and services. It is committed to conservation and best practices to the participants of the games.

The Role of the Company as a Major Sponsor

The company as a primary sponsor will ensure the planning and coordination of the Olympic activities are as planned and successful through the Olympic committee. It will ensure that the deficit of the required amounts is topped up by their self-identified companies and organizations so as to achieve the targeted amount. I am, therefore, requesting for the approval of the letter informing the company about our preference for them to sponsor our summer Olympic events, and the type of sponsorship we would prefer from them. Thank you for your time.

The first document you will prepare will be a memo to the Chair of the Olympic.



Letter to the Target Company

The Chairperson,   

International Olympic Committee.




The CEO,

Coca-Cola Company.



31st October, 2014.


It is with great pleasure that I am informing you of the choice of your company as the sole sponsor of the international Olympic summer events. Having vetted several companies and through deep scrutiny and considerations, your company was deemed best suited to the position.

Your company has been committed to the mission objectives entirely for the past many years, sponsoring some of the Olympic events fully. It is this continued commitment and focus that has pushed us to rest on the company for the future primary support of the International Olympic events as will agree. The budget for full event sponsorship would cost approximated to be $75 million. The role of your company will be to mobilize resources and funds, either from within itself or partners in order to ensure that the events are appropriately funded as required. Your company will sit with the committee to design a budget and expenditure planning for the summer Olympics event.

The sponsorship will grant a unique platform for the company to launch and market different brands to attract different consumers who are the participants of the events all over the world. Since the sport attracts a large number of people overtime, your company as a major sponsor will have the monopoly of providing soft drinks to every direct and indirect participant of the event. It will also be seen that your company is committed to human interests and promoting social events other than just producing and marketing its products.

It will be of great pleasure, your consideration to accept the request to sponsor the International Olympic Mission activities throughout the period agreeable, and to work together with the teams concerned to make the events lively and fruitful. Receive grand appreciation in advance for your acceptance.


Kind regards.


Chair, Olympic Committee









Coca-Cola GB,. (2014). Why does Coca‑Cola sponsor the Olympic Games? : FAQ. Retrieved 3 November 2014, from http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/faq/olympic-games/why-does-coca-cola-sponsor-the-olympic-games.html

Olympic.org,.(2014). Coca-Cola | Olympic Sponsor, Non-Alcoholic Beverages | Olympic.org. Retrieved 3 November 2014, from http://www.olympic.org/sponsors/coca-cola


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