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Professor Robert Lilly was the lecturer of Sociology and Criminology at Northern Kentucky University. He has authored and coauthored several books regarding understanding criminal behavior such as Criminal justice system and theoretical explanations of criminal conduct. His interest in criminology and desire to research about the crime was inspired by the crimes committed by US army during the Second World War. His books bring together several theories from different scholars for example Robert Merton, Lombroso, and Cullen. In his book, the focus is the criminal behavior activities, and the motivation behind them. He looks at both juvenile and ordinary crimes committed by adults and on how the criminal justice system responds (Ball, Cullen & Lilly, 2014).
He looks at criminology from different perspectives that include sociological, cultural, biological and psychological factors that explain individual criminal behavior. He starts by defining criminology terms and looks at various theories done by several scholars analyzing criminal behavior and unusual activities. That can be found in his book Criminology, Crime & Delinquency, and Social Problems. It is an excellent book, which can guide the lawmakers and law enforcement agencies in understanding criminal behavior and developing rehabilitation programs from criminals.
Criminology studies involve law enforcement, law breaking, and lawmaking processes. The study is guided by some theoretical frameworks, which explain the cause and intervention strategies. Criminology Theories explain why people commit crimes and how they can be helped to deter from engaging in such deviant activities (Ball, Cullen & Lilly, 2014). Some explain the criminal habits can be inborn or be influenced by peers, environment or different socialization agents. They give answers and explanation as to why different behaviors are not acceptable by either norms or values of a particular society or laws of the land. Criminology is all about violating laws of the land and using wicked ways to acquire goals. Criminology studies give answers as to why deviant behaviors committed by males are rampant more than crimes committed by females. In addition, why people refrain from committing crimes while others it becomes a lifestyle.
Delinquent behavior refers to crimes committed by children who are 18 years and below. They are called juvenile acts. Once they have been found guilty, they are taken to remand homes for rehabilitation. Lily and Cullen in their books talked about economic, sociological, and biological factors on how they influence criminal behavior among individuals.
The objective of the criminal theory is to help one understand crime and juvenile penal system. It involves crime, deviant behaviors and law and enforcement justice system. It explains why people commit crimes and the factors, which contribute or influence criminology activities.
These theories provide logical, philosophical and rational alternatives to the inhumane, cruel and abuse of criminal justice system. These theories believe in perspective of choice. That means one can make a choice to either break the law or act by the set rules and order. In addition, one has the power to decide either to use legitimate means or wrong ways to achieve his or a goals.
People do not commit crime because they know it is wrong. They deter from engaging in criminal activities since they have been socialized in that particular manner. Deterrence campaigns cannot bear many fruits in preventing people from engaging in illegal activities. However, it is crucial in refining the criminal justice system. Rehabilitation programs are geared towards helping individuals to deter from engaging in illegal activities and prevent recidivism. That refers to reoffending, which is common among many people who have tasted jail life. There are several theories, which explain criminal behaviors and why people engage in crime. They include the following.
Social control theory
It refers to the various social controls mechanisms and structures we have in our society. They prevent or deter people from committing crimes or engaging in criminal activities; they include school, family, church and law enforcement agencies. They are the primary socialization agents in the community. Family and law enforcement play a significant part in ensuring people know the values, norms, legislation and consequences of breaking the laws or going against the set societal ethics and values.
The family socializes the individual to the standards and values of the community. Both the church and school have the disciplinary mechanism to discipline those who break the set code of behavior. For example in church, one can be excommunicated, expelled or pay a huge fine. These social control units deter people from engaging in criminal activities (Ball, Cullen & Lilly, 2014).
Labeling criminal theory
This theory explains how community labels one as a deviant or a criminal. Lily argues that if an individual is labeled as criminal, there is 95% tendency they will engage in criminal activities. Once the society labels individuals as criminals, they reduce engagement and withdraw resources and opportunities. That leads one to commit crime to access the withdrawn resources and opportunities.
Social learning theories
It is more of peer influence. One is motivated to commit crimes by the people with whom they associate. For example, if people associate with friends who abuse drugs and alcohol they are likely to be influenced to start taking the drugs. Many addicts have confessed they were introduced to drugs by their peers. The people one spends the most time with shape his or her moral behaviors. In addition, the environment shapes one behavior in an excellent way. Young people who live in the informal settlements in urban areas are more likely to engage in criminal activities compared to those in the countryside or urban suburbs.
Classical criminal theory
The theory claims that punishment can deter one from engaging in illegal activities. That means the justice system should clearly outline punishment for each crime. For instance, people fear to steal because they fear to be arrested for some period. The same thing happens in the community. There are set social morals and values if one breaks them he is sure he will face consequences, which include death, curse, illness and excommunication from the community (Ball, Cullen & Lilly, 2014).
Biological positivism criminal theory
It claims that there are biological traits people attain at birth, which prevent them from committing crimes. On the other hand, Lombroso came up with a trait theory, which shows that people have certain biological traits which lenders them likely to commit crimes.
Sociological learning theory
The theory explains how one’s social, academic and family status can determine one tendency to engage in criminal behavior.
Psychological criminal theory
Psychological theory claims there are some psychological factors, which make one to indulge to illegal activities such as people with incomplete cognitive mental development, abusive childhood, and absent parents. For instance, Cullen argues that children with adverse childhood experiences are likely to engage in violent activities in future. In addition, participation by children in delinquency behaviors can be attributed to psychological factors such as children growing up with absent guardians. Such children are more likely to be victims of negative peer influence since they do not have someone to guide or reprimand them.
Rational choice criminal theory
This theory claims that people act out of self -interest and self- pleasure and they purpose to commit crimes to fulfill their personal desires and needs. They can contemplate and analyze critically the potential risk involved and the potential opportunity. They always choose to ignore the potential risk because the opportunity is big and satisfying.
Strain theory
People have different aspirations, but there are specific goals and means set by the society, which one is supposed to attain to be successful. The goals are so high while ways to achieve them are few. In addition, the pressure is much in achieving the goals. One is forced to strain to make end meet through using illegitimate means to achieve the set goals. Unfortunately, the illegal ways mean one to break the law for example students cheating in their exams, people bribing to get jobs and obstruct justices (Ball, Cullen & Lilly, 2014).
There are social and environmental factors, which influence one to commit crime. These include harsh urban conditions such as immediate congested neighborhood, poverty, hunger, unemployment and poor sanitation. It leads to frustration and exposes people to criminal opportunities to help make ends meet. Criminal theory or theories of crime help us to understand criminal behavior and come up with proper rehabilitation, and reintegration. This book sheds light to all stakeholders who are tasked with law enforcement, rehabilitation, and prevention of criminal activities.