The Civil War in Southern States,

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There are two essay questions in Part one - please 
choose the one that you can get more information from in the book and please use the
books as the only source.  Thank you.
Text: Georgia A Brief History by Christopher C Myers and David Williams &
Text: Courage to Dissent by Tomiko Brown-Nagin (Atlanta and the long History of the
Civil Rights Movement)
Part 1
Answer one of the following questions:
1.  Why was the Presidential Election of 1860 the tipping point that caused the
Southern States and Georgia in particular to decide to attempt to secede from the
Union despite the newly elected President's assurance that slavery would not be
2.  To fight and win the Civil War, Southern States, particularly Georgia, had to
work closely together while maintaining state sovereignty independent from the
Confederate central government. How did this affect the ability of the Confederacy
to wage an effective war of independence?
Part 2
Identify the following with 2 sentences each answering who, what, when and tell why
it is important to our study today.
1.  A. T. Walden
2.  Committee on Appeal for Human 
3.  Alexander Stephens
4.  Ordinance of Secession
5.  Rifled Musket



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