Historical Facts and Incidents over the Past Five Years
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Historical Facts and Incidents over the Past Five Years
Over the past five years, different states and nations have experienced several incidences that have shaped them and the world in general. Nations have been experiencing revolutions, uprisings, terror attacks and incidences of mass shootings and killings. The United States have experienced gunfires that are killing many people at movie theatres, schools and latest being in a church. The country has a widespread support of firearms, which on the other hand supports crimes and killings hence the authorities have a critical role to play. Other countries such as Egypt have experienced a rough political transition that resulted in the death of several citizens and adverse economic impacts. The events in countries such as Syria and Ukraine have had dire humanitarian and economic impacts within them.
The historical events receive the attention of people both in the local and international scene. The developments and economic change in countries have caused conflict of interest and failure of negotiations resulting in war. Such conflicts taking place do not only affect the parties involved but also most often extend to other people due to the results and impacts of the wars. For instance, if a country engaged in war is an exporting country, the importing countries will be affected as they will not receive constant flow of supplies and therefore in the end may affect their productivity and economy. Unrests in the Arabian countries have resulted in humanitarian crisis and retrogressive economic growth and compromised diplomatic ties.
Incidences such as attack on embassies and the inability of other states to use air space of another country seriously hurt the economic and diplomatic relations. Partners have to rethink of options of ensuring that they continue with their activities and operations irrespective of the warring parties. On another hand, the events and incidences cost donors, international organizations and other countries a lot, as they have to respond to the crises created by the events.
The Arab Spring
The Arabian nations since 2010 experienced a wave of demonstrations both violent and non-violent through a revolutionary wave of riots and wars. The unrest started in Tunisia, cutting over to Egypt and crossing to Syria among other countries (More, web). Different issues and themes that featured at the times, both political, brought about economics that made people revolt. The movements were to push for democracy against dictatorial governments that were in place in countries in the Middle East and North Africa. The Arab uprisings are popular, with no particular leadership and relentless push in compromising their needs. Such events bring about intended and non-intended political and economic effects on the countries involved both in short-term and in long-term.
Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Syria, Libya and Bahrain are the notable countries that experienced and are still experiencing the revolutionary movements and uprisings. As much as the events are focused on liberating the nations and promoting democracies, there are results that can come about in terms of political direction, economic factors, freedom and democracy. Such occurrences lead to loss of lives, disabilities and injuries, which affect the systems and operations of such countries. There are a lot of factors and issues that can be said to have brought about the events and intended results that remain the focus of the groups participating in the events.
Within the Arab regions, the intentions of the movements remain contested with some groups accusing them of serving foreign interests. Another power is also focusing on the changes perceived to be occurring in the Middle East and international observers having varied opinions on the same. People could not contain the ageing dictatorship regimes any further while at the same time no notable changes occurred in other competing sectors.
Within the past five years, significant electoral processes have been observed in different countries and regions such as the Egypt, the US and Europe (Hardy, web). The 2012 election in Egypt is recorded as the second election in history that saw several candidates contest the presidency. The election was the first to take place after the Arabian Spring in Egypt in 2011. The incumbent president was defeated in the polls though the newly sworn leadership never lasted as it was ousted by a military coup in 2013. Since 2012, Egypt has not had legislative elections and will take effect sometime in July after the constitutional court ruling in March 2015 (Dionigi, 200). In 2014 when elections were established after Morsi’s ouster, Abdel Fatah an army chief won the elections.
The USA is also expected to undergo another election in 2016, the previous election within the past five years was in 2012 that saw the sitting head of states re-elected. The 2012 election was contested but with no reported negative occurrence or riots. Europe on the other hand typically has well-organized elections in most of her countries without reported violence. Most of the countries have held elections since 2010 with the latest being the elections in Britain in 2015. The year (2015) is said to be the year of all elections in Europe with several countries within the block conducting its elections within 2015. For Europe, 2014 and 2015 are the years holding the most elections over the years in the past five years.
Continued Struggles
Countries in the Middle East have continued experiencing continued struggles and civil strife (Aitchison, web). Syria has experienced more than three-year war with the people fighting the dictatorship of the incumbent leader. As the people fight to liberate their state, the military and Islamic front continues fighting against them.
Current events including the continued struggles in Syria, the ongoing opposition by the government militia and other Islamic groups oppose to the democratic struggles. The struggle continues with the civil strife and opposition to the existing regime. It is believed that the war in Syria is between a minority community and struggle for assurance of power. The sitting president’s government presented corruption and repressions that people were fed up with and continued to fight against the government hoping that it will collapse. The sitting president continues to hold on even as the country is not politically stable and safe for citizens.
The Europe has been experiencing economic struggles with economists forecasting bigger economic problems. The debt crisis and inflationary movements in the economies have dogged the region with the states struggling to contain the crisis (Aitchison, web). The inflation can have dire consequences that can see politics playing a center stage on verge of the collapse of Euro. The recent elections in Europe that saw the government in place endorsed through re-election will see continued drive of policies that were taken by that government. It presents the country economic and political stability at a time the region is experiencing serious economic problems that can affect the world at large.
The Arab spring has seen some countries undergo forced transitions to oust the dictatorial non-transformative regimes as claimed to usher in new leaderships and political systems. Other countries, however, have continued to war even as many lives are lost, and people are fleeing as experienced in Syria and Ukraine. The crises commonly experienced in the world are the civil wars, terrorist attacks, disease outbreaks, economic problems and political instability (Dionigi, 201). The change in policies and success of the events can see a turn-around that will prove some walks wrong while approving others at the same time on the outcomes in the next five years