Importance of Studying Christian Religious Education

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  1. State five importances of studying CRE in secondary schools.   (5mks)



  1. Identify the books of Apocrypha. (5mks)




  1. List down five reasons why the bible is referred to as the word of God. (5mks)




  1. Describe the first account of creation as recorded in (Genesis 1:1 – 2: 4a)    (5mks)



  1. State five ways in which man continues to be co-creator with God. (5mks)




  1. Identify the consequences of sin according to Genesis 3: 14-24  (5mks)




  1. List five characteristics of a covenant. (5mks)




  1. What were the importances of circumcision to Abraham and his descendants. (5mks)



  1. In what ways do Christians express their faith in God today. (5mks)




  1. State five conditions given to the Israelites during the renewal of the covenant. (5mks)




  1. List down five plagues that the Egyptians suffered from following the stubbornness of Pharaoh. (5mks)







  1. What do Christians learn about the nature of God from the Exodus. (5mks)




  1. Give five reasons why the Israelites demanded for an earthy King. (5mks)





  1. State five achievements of King David. (5mks)











  1. Identify the lessons learnt from King Saul’s failures.   (5mks)




  1. Outline the characteristics of the local Canaanite religion. (5mks)




  1. State five effects of idolatry in Israel. (5mks)




  1. Identify leadership qualities possessed by Elijah that Christians should emulate. (5mks)




  1. State five attributes of God as understood by the African people. (5mks)





  1. State five roles of the ancestors in the Traditional African community. (5mks






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