Law firms and Aggressive Advice to Clients

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Law firms and Aggressive Advice to Clients

Justice is the situation where two or more parties in a conflict or disagreement are listened to, and the reality or truth of the matter established through the cases or evidence presented. Therefore, justice is the moral principle of determining just conduct through conformity to the principles and executing deserved reward or punishment after that. Justice can be defined differently by different people, but the fact of the matter is that it is subjected to the established law or norms and what is just by such constitutes what is just. To me, justice comes in the event parties involved in a case are legally equally represented and listened to impartially without any favour or bias and subjected to the existing law, a determination is made on just conduct from the ground of reason and deserved punishment or reward administered.

            A client hires a law firm to represent his or her interests in a case before the judicial system. Therefore, within the existing law established, a law firm must be able to serve the interest of the client zealously and it is only ethical for such firm to get into a contract with a client whose case can be handled by their capacity. The law firm must expeditiously analyze the legal issues surrounding the case of the customer and exercise law applicable to such a case within their knowledge. Timely and efficient communication between the firm and the client must be maintained, and the scenario should not create any conflict. A law firm handles a client’s case following the direction of the customer within the legal precepts in place. The highest level of confidentiality is kept on the issues relating to a client and the case the attorney, Mr. Root.

            Some law firms went to a far extent to advise clients on the way forward in the event in place. Much as it is within their obligation to inform the customer about the ways to undertake and on possible decisions to make, such must be done in a just manner. The firms believe in defending the case of their clients as zealously as possible and offer particular advice to such customers. For instance, in the northeast cities highlighted in case 3-2, companies were emerging in the digital and medical technology, but no scientists or engineers could be found for the same, Hosmer (2011). People were moving, and those available were not deemed fit to take up roles, and the firms had to outsource for workers from foreign countries. Such firms had to demonstrate to the authorities that there were no “willing, qualified workers available to take the positions” in that company, Hosmer (2011, p.72).

            The law firm in the case that was representing firms that required foreign workers qualified to take up the roles then undertook to train its clients on how to justify that there were no skilled and available workers in the United States to absorb. The firm explored loopholes and opportunities within the existing law that would serve the interests of its clients. It advised customers on the manner to conduct the recruitment process that will markedly attract the potential recruits’ that would then be later used to defend the case of the clients. This is not a matter of justice since only one party benefits while the other party is harmed. In such case, if the other party feel harmed or the rights are abused, they can equally approach a law firm they deem competent within capacities to defend their case. The attorney(s) of the law firm will then approach an impartial judge or jury that will then summon both parties to defend their case in a manner that will ensure justice is served, Hosmer (2011).

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