Marijuana not be Legalized

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Why should Marijuana not be Legalized


            Will talk in brief about what is motivating the use and legalization of marijuana. This will include what the leaders have said about the use of marijuana, what laws are in place regard about the use of marijuana, who is fanning the use of marijuana. What steps both the federal and state governments is putting in place to curb or encourage the use of marijuana

The harms of Marijuana

             There are key negative effects of marijuana, and explained in detail why those packing this movement are wrong. Some of the key negative effects I will discuss are

ü  Health

ü  Science

ü  Safety of the public

ü  Environment

ü  Cost

ü  Youth

Marijuana and crime

            Here the discussion will be centered on the relationship between marijuana use and crime especially violent crimes. How trafficking marijuana has resulted in so many youths ending up behind bars, and how much money in taxes is being wasted in treating marijuana related complications.

Conclusion I will give my view of what should be done about the marijuana legalization campaign, what will be the benefit of making it legal, and who will be the losers if it were made legal.



Caulkins, J.P., & Sevigny, E.L. (2009). How many people does the U.S. imprison for drug use, and who are they? Contemporary Drug Problems, 32(3): 405-428.

David M. Fergusson, Joseph M. Boden, and L. John Horwood "Cannabis Use and Other Illicit Drug Use: Testing the Cannabis Gateway Hypothesis," Addiction, April 2006.

