Article Overview:Business Executives' Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and its Development

Article Overview:Business Executives' Perceptions of Ethical Leadership and its Development

            Marsh Catherine in her paper presents the knowledge of business executives in ethical leadership and its development. The work gives qualitative information and summary of leaders experiences and values shape their role in decision-making (Marsh, 2013). In the case, critical incidences of the business executives who participated in the research are recollected and each ethical issue that they have been involved in detailed. The paper entail briefs of the executives on the development of the values they exploited in the event of a critical ethical instance of solving an issue. The study provided a framework for moral leadership that illuminates valued aspects of ethical leadership and their perspectives in making ethical decisions. Behaviour of leaders is explored in the research and the impact of the image of leadership in relation to morality put in the limelight.

Other resources were incorporated for comparisons and to explore gaps, with the theoretical framework basing on the experiential development of ethical leadership and comprehending the process by which leaders develop their ethical frameworks (Marsh,2013). The work entailed qualitative method to capture the experience of the study participants who were business executives. The findings were broken down intothe most understandable manner and the models developed for ethical leadership and the development of moral leadership. Virtue ethics, experiential learning, and human resource are discussed to explore the relation in leadership development. It explores avenues in the manner that presents the aspects of morality, ethical leadership and development in the business platform. Leadership is more dictated by individual ethics and morality other than legislations and regulations.



Ethical implications

            The moral implications presented in the paper relates to the consequences of the decisions leaders make in the event of an issue. The executives have perceptions on models that guide their ethical decisions. The article tries to bring up the actual knowledge of the officials on models and how their life experiences foster development of moral value (Marsh, 2013). The research presents the implications of the growth of virtue ethics on the development of business leadership and the link between the growth of personal values on leadership development. The aspects of ethical leadership valued by ethical business leaders are presented and the way in which life experiences inform ethical leadership development explored. Engagement, mindfulness, authenticity and sustainment are presented as positive moral implications.

Effectiveness of the Article

            The material articulately presented in appropriate and clear synopsis that is understandable by the readers. The structure of the work incorporates the guidelines of research work; the ideas are connected in a flowing manner, and the models in the study well explained for the reader to relate and understand. The strength of the work is that the author developed models for understanding the framework of ethical leadership and development. The author tried to explore every part of the structure and developed the model from the finding of the study. Implications both positive and negative are presented, and the research provided a balance of results with impartiality. The weakness is that the study conducted analysis from the narration of executives without having measures of detecting facts. In a typical case, it is hard to establish fact from a description that you are not part of as people will try to make the best out of the information presented. I would recommend this article to a peer based on how the information of the study is presented and the clarity and relevance of finding to the course of study.