Significance of the Study on Leadership
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Statement of the Problem
In order for public and private organization to exploit and manage knowledge in their daily process and integrate knowledge management in their strategic planning, the managers of the organizations must know the actual meaning of knowledge. Right now, the three knowledge management models being used in organizations are Nonaka and Takeuci’s (knowledge spiral), Firestone and McElroy’s (knowledge life cycle) snowden’s (Cynefin Model).
The first two models are based on justified true premise and Popperian framework respectively, which are assumptions. None of the three models is capable of providing a real world scenario for knowledge process illustration with a good explanation of how it works. If organizations continue using the current knowledge management models they will only describe how knowledge process works but will not easy to evaluate the models or even determine their usefulness in both private and public organizations. I propose to fill this gap by developing a better end-to-end model for better knowledge management process.
Background of the Problem
After observing most organizations I have realized how their planning is similar to a ritual rain dance; the dance has no impact on succeeding weather, but the dancers think it does. It appears to me that the instructions followed in strategic planning in most organizations are aimed at making the dance better, not the weather. In the last one decade, there has been increasing interest in both education and commercial organizations in knowledge management. A reliable model of knowledge management is therefore necessary in successful knowledge exploitation. The research will look for a better model to bridge the gap.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to document the actual meaning of knowledge in modern organizations in order to enhance understanding on how organizations should exploit and manage knowledge. This will improve integration of knowledge in both daily activities and developing strategic plans for the organizations for faster economic growth. The researcher hopes to bring understanding in creating a generic model for knowledge management in public and private organizations.
Significance of the Study
The existing literature on knowledge management is characterised by an evangelistic quality and is based on self-proclaimed information experts who justify its weaknesses. In the last one decade, the need for actual meaning of knowledge has called for research which can lead for empirical basis for knowledge management. It is therefore paramount to provide the solution to the anomaly by critically examining knowledge management in both public and private sectors. This research is aimed at providing the solution.
Significance of the Study to Leadership
The research has a potential to create a generic model of knowledge management for managers of public and commercial organizations and document the knowledge process for the organizations in their daily activities. Through the knowledge management model the leadership in the modern organizations will have better intervention in knowledge management as well as appropriately evaluate existing solutions in knowledge management. The research will also help organizations to create a workable framework for knowledge management regarding what has been successful when using the current models of knowledge management.
Nature of the Study
The research on knowledge management will take place in the department of health and aging and the department of defence in Singapore. Letters to seek permission for reach in the respective departments will be sent one month before the research commences. Both organizations have started initiatives on knowledge management and are therefore valid for the research. The two organizations will provide a good sample to represent other organizations because each of them offers unique services to the public and their contact points with the public are different. Some of the key personalities in both organizations are easily reachable and gaining permissions to research on the organizations will be easy.
Research Questions
- Why do organizations engage in knowledge exploitation and how to they do it?
- Are there different meaning to the terms data, tacit knowledge, explicit knowledge and information, and if there is how do knowledge management practitioners define them?
- What is the actual meaning of the term knowledge in knowledge management?
- Research in knowledge management will enable development of a better model for measuring knowledge capita in organizations.
- The research in knowledge management aims to develop agreed definitions of the term knowledge and help evaluate the utility of the current models used in knowledge management processes in organizations.
Conceptual Framework
Most organizations have confused the meaning of data, information and knowledge. The confusion has lead to organizations spending a lot of resources initiating technologies that never bring value worth the expenditures. The researcher will inform the study of knowledge management using literature from various disciplines. The disciplines will include philosophy, management theory, organizational management, policy development and implementation, engineering, change management and knowledge management. Reference will be made on the current three models used in knowledge management in modern organizations. The models are SECI knowledge spiral, knowledge of life and Cynefin model. Each of the three models will be analysed to establish its assumptions.
Definition of Terms
The current definitions of the terms used in knowledge management process according to knowledge management practitioners are as follows.
- Tacit knowledge- this is one’s understanding, which is based on one’s opinion, beliefs and information gained through life experiences.
- Explicit knowledge- this is knowledge held by public. It is codified and clearly documented for reference by anyone who want to use it.
- Data- data means objective facts that have not been interpreted into meaningful use.
- Information- data that has been interpreted into useful form.
The research will be an expensive project and I shall undertake all the cost myself to the end hoping I shall meet all the cost within the proposed period of the study. However, am looking for scholarship form volunteers to supplement my budget. Despite my human failings I shall be determined successfully to complete the research process. I therefore welcome any advice from my professor to integrate with my reasoning process. Another underlying assumption is that the knowledge management model to be developed in the research will continue being relevant in most organizations in a decade to come. My other assumption is that the respondent in the research will be truthful and will not withdraw before the research is complete. Am assuming the department of health and aging and the department of defence in Singapore are good samples representing the rest of the organizations that need better knowledge management models.
My research will be conducted at the department of health and aging and the department of defence in Singapore which are samples of convenience since I am connected to senior personalities. The research may therefore not apply to other larger populations. Time will also be a limitation because the study will only be a snapshot based on the prevailing conditions when the research will be going on. I shall do a pilot study before the research to deal with the limitations.
The research has many characteristics that will define the boundaries of the study. However, all this are in my control. They include the research questions as stated above, the samples of my research, which are the department of health and aging and department of defence. The choice of my Topic on knowledge management is another delimitation within my control. Despite there being other areas I would have chosen to research, I felt the area of knowledge management required an urgent research to accelerate economic growth in commercial organizations.
Scope of the Study
The research is limited to Singapore only and narrowed down to the department of health and aging and department of defence, which will provide the empirical data for analysis. It is assumed the sample though not large represent entire organizations in Singapore. The academic definitions of terms used in the research will be sourced from knowledge management practitioners. Theories used on the research will be from epistemologists in the branch of philosophy, management theory, organizational management as well knowledge management.
The research on knowledge management will be multidisciplinary. The study will draw literature from policy development, management theories, change management, and epistemology. The multidisciplinary research methodology will enable development of a better generic model for intervention on knowledge management in organizations. This will improve efficiency and effectiveness in the organizations.