Describe “the spirit of mechanism” in the 17th to 19th century. In your own words, define determinism and how the doctrine of determinism contributes to mechanism.
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Text Book: A History of Modern Psychology, 11th Schultz, D. P. Chapters 3 and 4
Read the following article by clicking on the link below. Then answer the following questions based on the article and your readings from the textbook. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (another way to access the article is to conduct a google search “scientific
American free will versus the programmed brain)
1. Describe “the spirit of mechanism” in the 17th to 19th century. In your own words, define determinism and how the doctrine of determinism contributes to mechanism.
2. Summarize the study conducted by Kathleen Vohs and Jonathan Schooler mentioned in the article. What did they do, and what were their findings?
3. The study conducted by Kathleen Vohs and Jonathan Schooler seemed to raise more questions about free will and determinism? What are two of those questions?
4. After your readings and experiences, what are your own personal beliefs regarding free will and determinism? Do we have control over our own actions? Why or why not?