Dissertation Writings, Formats, and Processes in Learning Institutions
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Dissertation Writings, Formats, and Processes
Ismael (2011) noted “building academic career path in higher education requires intensive training and participation” (Ismael, 2011, pg. 78) just as Apollos University, suggests rigorous responsibilities of key players in the dissertation process. In both cases, supervisors are tasked with facilitating students’ dissertation process through the support of the institution. Ismael (2011) revealed that supervisors tend to be busy with other responsibility making their contact with other students infrequent. His paper reveals the “problems postgraduate students face in research and supervision and the contribution of supervision on the research process” (Ismael, 2012, pg. 82).
According to Hilliard (2013), “advisor in the dissertation process needs to work closely with, and listen to the voice of every other faculty team” and the student in order to deliver successful dissertation process. The chair of the dissertation process is expected to offer regular reviews and developmental sessions to the student while offering relevant feedback on a regular basis. Black (2012) describes the component of the committee and the responsibilities of the players in the dissertation process just the same way Apollos University recommends. He outlines how a doctoral student can develop the right topic and how to undertake the whole dissertation process in the research (Black, 2012 pg. 98).
Brause (2012) described the process of committee formation and the considerations to be taken. She went on detailing the responsibility of each player in dissertation process and the student expections. The work further stresses the need for professionalism and standards to be taken into consideration throughout the process (Brause, 2012). Most of these resources here tally with the requirements of Apollos University while others go to the extent of profiling what is likely to happen when some procedures are not undertaken accordingly. These resources will help me understand the dissertation process as a whole and what to expect along the way.