Dependent and Independent Variables

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Dependent and Independent Variables

            The proposed dependent variable for the study is succession planning while independent variables include organization size and structure, employee competence, workforce turnover, staff recruitment and training, knowledge management, continuation service strategies, and talent development. Organizational succession is an issue that many organizations do not address, and the reality draws when a position falls vacant then pressure builds on filling the slot (Rothwell, 2010). Organization size and structure plays a role in the succession planning since big and middle-sized companies such as the multinationals may have a challenge identifying the right person to fill a leadership role if there was no proper employee training and nurturing in place.

            Organizations require a continuation of operations and service delivery, with structures other than interventions be put in place to ensure that their processes continue even with the exit of a leader. Mid-sized companies are critical drivers of the economy in Singapore, and the disruption of their operation does not only affect services and the employees but also goes a notch to interrupt the economy (Sullivan, 2012). A well-structured process for the succession is required with the employees being nurtured and trained appropriately for a company other than interventions that are reactive and can destabilize the operations of the related company.

The employees need to be trained and nurtured for a corporation to be able to contain leadership turnover since transfers within or out of a business are inevitable yet the continuity in the operations and structure of the company is essential. According to Sullivan (2012), midsized companies require a well-structured succession planning through established processes of staff training and talent development to support organizational stability and sustainability. Groups need a proper understanding of how skills of the workforce can be developed and how knowledge can be managed to sustain the leadership structure and company operations.

Organizations must give a particular focus to employee nurturing and talent development as a developmental intervention that supports leadership within their business structure. According to Brodbeck & Crawshaw (2011), interventions for company succession should be those that support employee growth and career nurturing within an institution. Employee competence is an essential aspect of organizational planning, and so the focus would be how an employee is fit to fill the position available and what skills and talents that particular individual can bring at that level. The primary intervention therefore, will ensure employee continual competence and ability to fit into a leadership position at any point.

Succession planning greatly relies on the structure of a company so that a replacement can easily fit into a place without any destabilizations or protests. Having a proper recruitment and promotion structure is critical in ensuring that succession is nurtured in people over time and that it is easy to fill positions that fall vacant (Brodbeck & Crawshaw, 2011). A company can explore different avenues and do their succession planning for the development of the organization and efficiency of its processes effectively. The research tries to develop the issue of effective organizational succession planning and having succession planning as the core of the study and relating it to other variables helps to answer the study question.

Succession planning will be an independent variable that will be explained through the connection of the dependent variables and their relevant aspects (Rothwell, 2010). Focusing on succession planning would involve the identification and development of people within a firm who has the potential of filling top key positions. The process ensures that there are skilled and competent people who are ready and can assume new roles whenever they are available (Brodbeck & Crawshaw, 2011). Succession planning develop not only an employee to fill critical leadership position but also avails those who can take delegated duties of the leadership roles.

Depth and Breadth of Dependent and Independent Variables as they relate to Literature

Having experienced and competent people supports teamwork and can provide inventions and innovations that support the operations and services of a firm. The process, therefore, is capable of supporting collaboration in organizations that supports the activities in place and improve employee relationship (Rothwell, 2010). Linking succession planning with the independent variables will help dig into the developmental interventions that are relevant to succession planning. The identification of such staff can be achieved through recruitment of employees who are then nurtured and trained to fit leadership capacities within organizations.

Middle-sized companies can take the initiative of identifying the appropriate workforce through their recruitment process and keep them on track through continuous training and the development of their capabilities. Employee competence can be developed through increased training and diverse experience across the departments of an organization with a focused expertise (Brodbeck & Crawshaw, 2011). Leadership requires substantial knowledge and competence that is not questionable to offer support to an organization towards its vision and mission and for the successful continuation of tasks. Therefore, a company must have strategies in place that ensures retention of knowledge and continuation of service delivery.

Proper knowledge management also offers the workforce a chance to connect with what has been happening in the company that has led to its success and identify areas to be improved. Through knowledge management, skills can be retained even if a leader leaves the institution and it plays a critical role in developing continuation service strategies (Sullivan, 2012). The policies in place to support the operations within the company helps ensure that there is ease to fit the positions by employees identified to be fit without any disruption. Filling leadership positions will always be a continuous flow, and a company must continue to develop employees.

Developing employees continuously ensure that there are always people available to fill positions since a vacancy in one leads to that of another if people are identified naturally to fill those positions. It is important for a company to forecast leadership turnover and the related and causal factors that will help in responding to such occurrences appropriately without having lost direction (Sullivan, 2012). A company that gets regular staff turnover will have a significant challenge filling positions if the employees were not nurtured and their talents identified and developed. It is important to have competent employees throughout the organization who are well prepared to take different challenges within the company to support operations.

Organizational size and structure can influence effective succession if there are no means and proper flow of replacing the relevant positions (Rothwell, 2010). Filling leadership positions within an organization should not offer much challenge if the workforce was well developed and prepared for the challenges within the organization. Therefore, the structure of an organization must support a proper flow that will ensure that any vacant position is replaced appropriately without any difficulty. Having well related all the relevant aspects of succession planning within the organization, the process will be smooth and encourage organizational performance.

The depth and breadth of the independent variable will be developed through limiting the literature to companies and trying to dig into development intervention strategies in place (Bell, 2014). Having the relevant literature bring a proper understanding of the subject and answer to the study question. On the other side, relevant books that address the dependent variables will be established about the study topic and that which relate them to the independent variable (Tracy, 2012). It is proper to create a clear connection that exists between the dependent and independent variables to answer the study questions. Literature that addresses factors around the dependent variables must relate them to the independent variable.

Developmental interventions are appropriate to achieve a successful succession planning in midsize companies that ensures continuity in operations and service delivery. According to Bell (2014), having literature that addresses the interventions that are appropriate in succession planning will help in developing around the subject area. There is no primary literature existing on artistic interventions in succession planning and, therefore,  having to relate the literature body to the dependent and independent variables will bring appropriateness of the research to answering the study question (Rothwell, 2010). Identifying the relevant variables is critical in helping access literature in the related areas that support the progress of the research. Dependent and independent variables will help design a proper connection that will assist in obtaining the relevant literature for the study.