Bullying and Murder

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Topic 5 – Bullying, found in the series “Law and Order: SVU”, a character named Ellen is killed. During the investigations, there is evidence of bullying that most probably led to the murder. As the detectives at the Special Victims Unit go through Ellen’s call records, they find a person who had called her 63 times at all hours of the day.

A voice mail is threatening to kill her if she does not do what the person wants. The call came from a business by the name “My Leather Fantasy”. The business is owned by Edward Ross. The calls come from a person by the name Juan Alvarez. It appears that this caller has been making other harassing calls to Gilchrest’s wife, which Gilchrest says led to his wife’s death. When questioned about it, Alvarez said that he told the woman to post negative stuff about him whenever she felt unhappy arguing that this would increase his sales owing to improved Google standing. When questioned about Ellen’s death, he says that he was busy scaring someone else.

To sum up, this is a case of a bully out to make people’s lives messy. If one does not do what he wants then they face the consequences. It appears that Gilchrest’s wife and Ellen faced the consequences of a bully.