Depression and Suicide

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Topic 4 – depression and Suicide, found in the series “Law and Order: SVU”. In one of the episodes, Brooklyn ADA Page Ferguson has gone missing. Sunny goes searching for her and finds her car gone but her purse is still there. She finds her car and calls out to her. She hears a sound only to look up to find Page flying off a building and crashing into the car.

Detective Benson arrives at the scene with Warner. From their findings, it appears that Page has been raped and cut and they suspect she might have been thrown off the building. Benson goes to the roof of the building and speaks with Sunny who tells him she has removed nothing from the scene and that she had gone there to look for Page. At the Special Victims Unit, Sunny tells the detectives that being the unit chief for the narcotic bureau, Page feared Angel Riviera who had threatened her in open court. Riviera was a member of the Latin Kings.

Sunny tells Benson to check Page files and informs her that Page had no boyfriend and that her parents were dead and she had no husband. She was also diagnosed with breast cancer and the treatment almost killed her.

When the detectives go to the morgue, they learn that Page did not have defensive wounds. She only had anti-depression drugs in her system. The cuts appeared to have been self-inflicted. They also conclude that she must have sodomized herself with a knife.